New Access Code Feature In Member Access Portal

New Access Code Feature In Member Access Portal

We here at eFit Financial are proud to announce our latest enhancement to our Member Access Portal Feature. The new Access Code for purchasing memberships.

Say if your facility wants to offer a special membership plan for a select few clients in the Member Access Portal. Weather, that is a 0 dollar membership for a club that offers strictly Activity Packages or a lower rate for a certain corporation and their employees.

You can assign an Access Code to that specific Membership Plan offering you create for the Member Access Portal and then you can give the Access Code to your members so that they can purchase that specific Membership Plan and sign up to your facility.

To create an Access Code is quite easy. Simply navigate to the Setup Membership Plans link under the Member Access Portal Adminstration section on the Club Adminstration Tab on the Club Advantage Splash Screen

(Must be Level 5 user to access the Club Adminstration Tab)

From there you will see a new field call Access Code (optional). This is where you will create that code for Membership Plan purchase on the Member Access Portal. You can place your own code in that field or select Generate Code and we will Generate a code for you.

If you already have a Membership Plan and would like to add an Access Code to it, Simply navigate to the Edit Link on the Top Left and select your Membership Plan and add the code on the same Access Code Field.

Once you have saved an Access Code for a Membership Plan. Give that code to your potential new member. When the go to the Member Access Portal to purchase their Membership Plan they will be able to select the Membership Plan you have informed them that will work with that specific Access Code.

When they Select that Membership Plan they will be able to see the Access Code Field on the Right. They will enter that Access Code in, then select Next to move forward with the purchase.

This is a great feature and will allow you to give more of a diverse offerings to your Members. If you do not have the Member Access Portal feature and would like some additional information or have any questions regarding the new feature, please feel free to contact our Customer Service at 877-772-3348 or send an email to customer_service@efitfinancial.com

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