New Feature: Freeze And Cancellation Confirmations
Hello Club Advantage users,
We have released out final update to this with our New Freeze and Cancellation Confirmations.
This will assist you in two ways.
When you freeze or cancel a member, you will now be able to provide them (via print or email) a document showing that member, their freeze or cancellations terms hopefully eliminating any confusion on the members end.
More documentation in regards to challenging Chargebacks issued by Financial Institutions.
So after properly Freezing or Cancelling a member as you normally do, through the Member Adminstration Tab in ClubAdvantage™ , you will be forwarded to these screens above. The Confirmations goes over the following information.
The Confirmations have sections properly outlining any fees assoicated with Freezing or Cancelling.
It will show if any payments that are still due that will need to be processed.
The Cancellation Reason and Freeze Comments are on here so that you and your member are fully aware of the reason why a Freeze or Cancellation is taking place.
A copy of the Cancellation Policy (with cancellations) or the Freeze Policy (with Freezes) are placed on here so that the member is fully aware of your policies and agree to them
And finally a section where you the Club Representative and the Member can both sign off on the Confirmation.
(Signature Pad Friendly)
Say if you ever need to bring up a members Freeze or Cancellation Confirmation, you will be able to do so by either navigating to the Confirmation Look Up in the Member Adminstration Tab or by selecting the Confirmation Icon on the Financial Tab on Member Maintenance.
Once there you will be forwarded to the Manage Confirmation Screen showing you the confirmations you are looking for.
We at eFit Financial are very excited on releasing this new feature and at anytime you have any questions or concerns regarding Confirmations please feel free to create a ticket or call into the call center at 877-772-3348 and speak with a Customer Service Representative. Have a great day!!
Technical Support
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