Enter A New Member Account (Overview)

Enter A New Member Account (Overview)

The current Health and Fitness market is very competitive and knowing how to sign up members fast and efficiently as possible is vital for your business to succeed. Entering a new member account in Club Advantage is a skill that all users using the system should know how to do. Below we will be going through a compressive overview of entering a new member account under Member Management > Primary > Add.

Operations Page

To being entering a new member account we must first select Add, this can be found on the Operations page under Member Management > Primary.

Manage Account Contract

Now that you have selected Add, the Enter Contract Details screen appears.

Once you select Add. It will default you to the Member Information tab. This is where you will enter in all member information and set up their agreement.

The first section of this tab is the Member Detail section.

Add Photo: The link located right underneath Member Details. You can take a picture of the member for your records. The picture will appear on their Member Profile and the Front Counter Check in System if it has been installed on your computer. (To use this feature it will require a Logitech Webcam connected to your computer. Please inquire with eFit Financial Technical Support if you have any questions 877-772-3348)

The required fields in Member Details are as follows: First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, and 2 of 3 Phone Numbers (Home, Mobile, or Work). If the member does not provide more than one number, enter the same number into another phone number field. If this information is not filled out entirely you will not be able to proceed to process the account. Fields missing will be highlighted red after attempting to proceed.

Date of Birth: If a member is a minor we highly recommend you place a DOB on file so that if eFit Financial needs to contact, we can ask for parents or guardians.

Email: It is recommended that every member you sign up have a valid email address. If you are a "paperless" facility, once the contract is complete you will be able to email the contract to the member and also email members through our group email blast. If there is an issue with payment eFit Financial can and will email them as well. (Note: in order for a member to received emails, they must first verify their email address. A verification email is automatically sent to new members upon submission of the account, so long as an email address has been provided.)

Membership Code: You can place a Membership Code on the member account for the clubs tracking records. For example. If you are signing up a member that is a senior and you offer Silver Sneakers, you can place the member under a Silver Sneaker Membership Code for organizational purposes. The Reports page contains reports which allow you to search via this code.

Card Number: For clubs that hand out Barcode or Brivo cards when signing up members, this is the field where you will place the card number you are assigning to your new member.

Alt Account No: The Alternate Account Number field is where you can place any number or letter for tracking the member using a different system than eFit's accounts numbers.

Personal Profile

The personal profile tab is not a required to be filled out but it can assist your facility with the member you are trying to sign up.

Member Bio: This section goes over some of the member's personal information such as Employer, Martial status, etc.

Member Emergency Contacts: Where you would place an emergency contact for a memberIf you decided to fill this section out you will need the First and Last Name , 2 phone numbers and the relationship fields filled out in full. We highly suggest you fill this out for Minor and Senior members.

Member HealthCare: Insurance or primary doctor information can be entered in this section. Highly suggested if the members insurance is paying for membership or any facility that works closely with members physicians.

Member Medical Conditions: Any injuries or ailments that may impact a member.

Member Interests: Any hobbies that the members has that the facility may be interested in.

Member Goals: Any benchmarks that the member may want to set for themselves. Example: Losing 50 pounds, increasing weight limit, etc

Please go back to the Member Information Tab once you have looked this over.

Account Details

Now that all the required information in the Member Detail is filled out, the next section is the Account Details section.

Account Details is all of the required billing information for the member.

It is essential that this information is correct, if information in this field is incorrect it may cause a decline in payment, or with paper billing, the financially responsible party not getting a bill for payment.

All of this information will appear on the member's Membership Tab in Member Profile.

Use Primary Member Address for Billing: If the First Name, Last Name, Address, City, Zip Code and Home Phone Number are all the same for the members billing information, you can check the check box to the left and the information from the Member Details section will appear in the Account Details section.

If any of this information is different please fill in the corresponding fields with the financially responsible party's information.

Sales Person: This is a Required Field. It will default to the user that is currently logged into Club Advantage, if different, select the drop down menu and all sales person will appear for the facility. Please select the Sales Person whom is selling the agreement.

Marketing Source: If you are tracking on how a member was referred to the facility you can select the Marketing Source drop down, where you can select Walk-in, Radio, Member Referral, etc.

Send Member Portal Registration Code: If your facility has the Member Access Portal and the member has a valid email address, you can send them a Member Portal Registration Code. The member can register and manage their account using this code online through the Member Access Portal.

If you have any questions regarding the Member Access Portal please contact eFit Financial Tech Support (877-772-3348)

Contract Terms 1

The Contract Terms section is where you will enter in all agreement terms. In this 1st section we will be going over Templates to First Payment Due Date.

Templates: This is where you can set a Contract Template for the member you are trying to sign up. All the information regarding the contract will auto populate below in the corresponding fields. If you have any questions or concerns regarding Contract Templates, please refer to the Contract Templates user guide in the Club Administration section or contact eFit Financial Tech Support (877-772-3348).

Membership Type: 

Open End: Use this selection to create a Month to Month membership

Fixed Term: Use this selection to create a Contracted Term membership.

Term: If you selected a Fixed Term Membership Type This field will appear. If you select Open End Membership Type this field will not appear. You will place the amount of time the contract is going to last. Example: 12 months.

Payment Cycle: This determines the frequency in which a member will be charged for their dues. The selections you can choose are below.

   Weekly: Member is charged weekly for the recurring dues

   Bi-Weekly: Member is charged every 2 weeks (14 days) for their recurring dues

   Monthly: Member is charged once a month for their recurring dues

   Quarterly: Member is charged every 3 months for their recurring dues

   Semi Annual:  Member is charged every 6 months for their recurring dues

   Annual: Member is charged once a year for their recurring dues

   Paid in Full: The Club is taking full payment for the membership at the time of sign up. (*Only a Fixed Term account can be placed as a Paid in Full Payment Cycle. Any questions please contact eFit)

Date Signed: When the account was agreed upon with the member

Begin Date: Date the member's account starts. Will default to the Date Signed if no adjustment is made.

Expiration Date: Date the member's account ends, This field will not appear for Open End Membership Type.

First Payment Due Date: When first payment is due. Will default to the Begin Date if not adjusted.

Contract Terms 2

In section 2 of the Contract Terms we will go over the Number of Payments to the Recurring Payment Method.

Number of Payments: Number of payments that the member will be charged, determined by the Payment Cycle selected. This can be manually adjusted if needed.

Recurring Payment: How much the member will be charged for their dues.

Initiation Fee: Any start up/processing fees that need to be charged to the member for starting up at the facility.

Number of Payments Collected: Any number of dues payments that have been collected by the club at the time of sign up. If all payments are to being processed by eFit please make sure this says 0.

Amount Financed: The amount of money that the member owes on their account.

Amount Due Each Payment Cycle: Automatically populates with the same amount as the Recurring Payment Amount.

Total Down Payment: The Initiation Fee + Number of Payments Collected

Total Sales Price: Total Down Payment + Amount Financed

Down Payment Method: How the Total Down Payment will be collected. Below are the choices you can chose from.

Collected at the Club Cash

Collected at the Club Check

Collected at the Club Credit Card: (Visa, MC, Discover, Amex): Club has a their own Credit Card machine and is processing it in house. Please select the correct card you are using.

Collected at the Club Gift Certificate: If your facility offers Gift Certificates for payment you can select this option.

Processed by eFit Financial EFT: If member would like their Checking or Savings account processed. Place Bank Name, Routing and Account number on file.

Processed by eFit Financial Credit Card: If the club does not have a CC machine, select this choice to process their CC or Debit card and place all card information on file.

Recurring Payment Method: How the Recurring Payment will be processed for each Payment Cycle. If Payment Cycle is Paid in Full this section will not appear.

Use Down Payment Method: If you have selected a Down Payment Method that is processed by eFit you can select that Payment Method to be processed for the Recurring Payment.

EFT:  If member would like their Checking or Savings account processed. Place Bank Name, Routing and Account number on file.

Credit Card: If the member would like their CC or Debit card processed, place the member's card information on file. (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex accepted)

Statement: eFit sends paper bill each Payment Cycle for member to pay in house or send payment to eFit. The statement will be sent approximately 3 weeks prior to the due date. There is a $1 charge for this Payment Method to the club.

Coupon: (Fixed Term only) A payment booklet with slips for every single payment due on their Fixed Term account. There is no charge for this Payment Method to the club.

Contract Renewal, Account Note and Save Account

If a Membership Type of Fixed Term is selected, an additional field will appear with options for a renewal.

No Renewal: Indicates that after the selected period the account will automatically expire.

Open End Renewal: Will cause the account to automatically roll over into month to month billing with no interruption.

Fixed Term: Indicates the club would like this account to potentially renew for another term membership. If the account is not renewed through Member Management > Primary, the account will expire at the end of the original term.

Account Note: If there is anything needed to be documented regarding the agreement. This will appear on the members Contact History in their Member Maintenance when agreement is submitted.

Save Account: Once you have finished placing all information on file. Select the Save Account button to preview the contract.


Now that you selected Save Account, the member's Contract will appear.

Primary Member Information: Here you can see all of the members Basic Contact Information.

Membership Dates: Where the length of the contract will appear. If an account is Open End there is no expiration date and that will be represented

Payment Schedule: All of the Contract Terms will appear in this section.

Payment Considerations: Will appear for payments that are on the last day of the month.

Default and Late Payments: Informs member of eFit Financial Late and Return fees regarding Default Payments.

Renewal Options: All Renewal information for the members account.

Contract continues on additional pages.

Easy-Pay Authorization Form

If the member is having their dues processed by eFit Financial, this form will have the Members Payment Information.

The person whom is paying for the membership IS REQUIRED to sign this form for eFit Financial to process payments.

Contract continues on additional pages.

Terms and Conditions

This will include the facility's Wavier and Release of Liability and Cancellation Terms. The facility can Edit and Adjust this form through the Edit Terms and Conditions features underneath the Club Administration Page. If you have any questions regarding this feature please contact eFit Financial Customer Service or refer to the Edit Terms and Conditions User Guide.

After this form has been signed you will then scroll to the top of the contract and select Submit Account.

Manage Account Contract

Once you have selected Submit Account the member contract has been entered into the Club Advantage system, and the member will be active for your facility.

With this screen you have options on how you would like to proceed:

Close the Window: Window closes and you are finished with entering the agreement

Print Contract: You can print the contract for the member to sign and have a copy for not only your records but to give one to the member as well

Email Contract: With a valid email, you can email the contract to the member. Great way to stay paperless and save you money

Add Another Member: Here you can add an Associate Member to the Primary Account that was just created

Record Body Measurements: You can record all preliminary body measurements through this feature. This comes in handy for trainers to track members physical progress

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