New Feature Release: Updated Activity Scheduler

New Feature Release: Updated Activity Scheduler

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New Feature Release: Updated Activity Scheduler


Hello eFit Financial Users,

We’re excited to announce the newly updated Club Advantage Activity Scheduler (formerly just Scheduler) that was released on Tuesday, June 17th to the eFit Financial system.  In addition to visual re-design, we've improved the current functionality to boost usability and make your experience more intuitive. Look for simplified menus, tooltips that provide useful directions when hovered over, and on-screen information boxes that should help streamline your activity scheduling needs. These updates will not only make the system easier on the eyes, but also lay the foundation for improvements to functionality in the coming months.


If your Club Advantage Activity Scheduler does not display correctly, or the links/buttons do not function, it's likely that we'll need to adjust some settings in your Internet Explorer web browser.  Please contact Technical Support at support@efit.zendesk.com if you'd like to have your settings reviewed. Alternatively, you are welcome to check the browser settings yourself by following one the guides available in our Technical Knowledge Base.

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