New FCCS Browser And FCCS Enhancements

New FCCS Browser And FCCS Enhancements

Hello Club Advantage users, we in the development and technical support departments have been working hard on some new Front Counter Check In System upgrades and we are proud to announce them today. We have our new FCCS Browser. This will allow you to have your Front Counter Check In Minimized on your screen or behind other open windows and allow for check in to take place. We also have a upgraded manual check in which will allow for exact manual check in times and we have expanded the Club Attendance screen so you can view check in times not only for the last 24 hours but any amount of time you prefer.

New FCCS Browser

You will be able to download the Browser from the Club Advantage software. To download the FCCS Browser you will need to be a level 5 user in Club Advanatage. If you are, you will navigate to the Club Administration tab. From there under the Club Administration section you will see eFit Financial Files and Links. Once you have clicked on the eFit Financial Files and Links you will see another link for the FCCS Broswer. Once you select that it will begin the Download.

Once fully downloaded you will have a Desktop Icon appear.  From there you will be able to login and use the Live Front Counter Check In System as you normally would. When you are using the FCCS Browser you will be able to do more Multitasking as it will not be a requirement to have the FCCS as the main Live window to properly check in your members.

Manual Check In Upgrade

Now when manually checking in a member a Verify Check In screen will appear after selecting the member you wish to check in. You are now able to check the member in and use the Choose Time feature to put in the exact time the member checked in. This could come in handy if something with your internet connection were to happen during business hours.

Club Attendance Upgrade

When you navigate to the Club Attendance feature you can change the Begin Date and when you do it will bring up all of the attendance recorded during that specific time frame. You can also select a members name and edit their Check In time and date if needed to.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call into the call center at 877-772-3348 and we can go over these features with you. Thank You and have a great day!

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