Form Setup

Form Setup

Create your registration title.  This is displayed at the top of your form and is your main identifier.


Choose your registration type. If your event is date specific, choose Event. If your Event/Form is not date specific, choose Ongoing. Choose recurring if your Event/Form is one that keeps recurring on different date.*Please note see additional directions at the end of this section for instructions to completing recurring event details.


Choose the date your event will begin.

Choose the date your event will end.


Choose your event start and end times. Click on the clock icon to show/hide these time fields.



Go to the Advanced tab under Edit Form.



Check this box if the event will be active upon saving.

Display this form in Listings? - uncheck this option if you wish to setup a "private event".  If this option is unchecked, the form will not appear in any listings generated including integration with your Member Solutions Website. Listing only will list the name of the event but not be linked to the registration form. See integration options in the Admin tab.


Access Control

Maximum form capacity? - If there is an event capacity enter it here, otherwise leave it as unlimited. If you set a capacity you will be able to enable a Waiting List so anyone that tries to register after the capacity is reached can enter their name and email and receive an automated email within 5 minutes of someone cancelling giving them a chance to register. You can also set how many people can be on the waiting list and the time limit a registrant has to respond to their automated email invite.

Allowed # of registrants per customer - the system defaults to unlimited meaning a customer can add as many registrants as they want on one form. If you wish to limit the number of registrants a customer can enter, change this to "up to" 'X' or "exactly" "X".

Collect group level data - this will allow you to collect data and set pricing for both a group and individual.

Registration only by invitation - Check this if you wish to control who can register for an event by validating their email address. Select how many times each invitee can register.  Choose from “only once” to limit the invitee to one registration or choose from “as many times as they would like” to allow the invitee no limitations to the amount of times they can register. List email addresses of all invitees one per line in the box.





Registration Period


Time Zone - Choose the time zone your event will be taking place in.



Choose an Activate date/time.  This will be the date that registrants can begin registering for your event.


Choose the date/time that the registration should expire.



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