Registrant Management

Registrant Management

To access the Registrants screen from the Event List screen, click the registrant’s button next to the event you want to review.

This section allows you to view a list of all your registrants for each event and view a specific registrant’s information simply by clicking on the triangle by their name.


If you need to edit any of the registrant’s information, click on the edit icon.  Please note any changes made here will not transfer over to MSI.  If you edit options that would normally increase or decrease the registrant’s price, we suggest cancelling the registrant and re-entering them.  Edits will allow you to refund or charge any difference.




To cancel a registrant or refund a registrant, click on the dollar sign ($) icon for the selected registrant.

You can opt to remove 1 or more registrants as well as refund full or partial payment.


If the registrant had opted for payment arrangements, the program will allow you to cancel those future payments as well.





You can resend emails to registrants by clicking the white envelope icon.



NOTE: If you have updated the registrant's information, the most recent updates will be emailed on resend.






To reactivate a Registrant, from the Registrants tab you would need to filter your registrants by status. Select desired status and click filter.

Click the to refresh the search results.



Click on the edit icon for that registrant  and then check the Active box before saving and closing. This will reactivate your registrant.






If you opted to use Capacity on either your event or any of your Custom Fields, you will be able to see the capacity data on the registrants tab. You will see your capacity selected, the number of registrants for each one and a percentage chart so you will know at a glance what is available and what is sold out.




If you wish to send out an email to all of your registrants, you can do so by clicking .  Use the email feature for sending communication to your registrants such as:

  • Thank you for attending

  • Reminder

  • Cancellation

  • Upcoming Events


Simply complete the subject, select a date and time you would like the email to be sent, fill out your content and click on ‘Queue Email’.





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