Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Event Manager gives you the option to create Custom Fields.  This innovative feature allows you to customize each Event with unparalleled flexibility.  Use custom fields for any and all of the following reasons:

  • Select event preferences

  • Sell an additional product or service

  • Ask for a donation

  • Request volunteers

  • Ask survey questions & track results

  • And so much more...


To Add a Custom Field, follow these easy steps:


  1. Click on Add Field

  1. Choose a Field Type (examples below)

  1. Enter a name for your custom field




 A.  Text Field (one line)



Most Custom fields now have the ability to set a default value. This will allow you to enter or select an option to pre-fill your form. If you are offering selections like Select One field type or Select Many field type, you can choose one of your available options as the default. If you are using any other that allows the registrant to enter a selection of their own you can simply default an answer for them that you feel they would most likely choose.


B.  Text Field (multi line)


C.  Select One (drop-down)


D. Select Many (checkboxes)


When choosing Select One (dropdown) or Select Many (checkboxes), you will be able to add your options by clicking the Add button below the Field Name.  Click the Add button and type each option.  Repeat until all options are entered.




You also have the ability to do a bulk edit for the options also by click on the [edit list] link and type in all options at once.


When selecting from the dropdown box or the checkboxes, you will also have the ability to add a capacity to each of your options. For example, if you were offering a free t-shirt and each registrant could choose a size, you could display the # of each size you have available. Once the capacity has been met, the option will be grayed out and can no longer be selected.

If the pricing for your event changes based on an option in a custom field such as asking an attendee to make (and pay for) a lunch selection, check the Affects Price checkbox.

E. Quantity


F. Unique Number

This field is used if you want the registrant to select a number and once they choose it, it takes it off the board and no one else will be able to pick. This works great for teams selecting a jersey number or if you want to do a contest where the registrant tries to guess the number and wins a prize.


G. Currency

H. Date


You will have a default option to select a date that will automatically display.  For example, if you are offering an option for 4 and 5 year olds, default the calendar date to 1/1/2010 to make it quicker and easier for the registrant to complete by pre-filling the field with the appropriate year. Otherwise the registrant will have the option to enter any date or click on the calendar icon to select any date. This is a great option to use when asking a registrant their birth date.




When choosing Quantity or Currency you allow your registrant to enter either a numeric answer for Quantity or a numeric answer for Currency. This may be convenient if you are requesting a total number of tickets that the registrant would like to order or if you are requesting a dollar amount for a donation.


Default will enable you to set a value that your registration form will default to if a value isn’t entered by a registrant. For example, if you are allowing your registrant to select a number of t-shirts they would like to purchase, then you could set your default to “0”. If your registrant doesn’t want a t-shirt, they won’t need to enter anything.  If most people usually purchase one t-shirt, you may opt to choose “1” as your default value saving your registrant time.


If available, use Validation to set your purchase options. For example, if you would like to allow a registrant to select a number between 1 and 20 and then in increments in 10 then you could enter a validation like this: 1-20, 30, 40, 50…etc. If the registrant would select a number not listed, like 24, the program would not allow them to keep that selection.



Add Text

You can add any other text anywhere on your form using this button. You can use it for headings or adding a line to break up the sections. Or you can list any additional information you want to provide.


Heading Example:


Line Example:

Additional Text Example:




Instead of moving your fields one space at a time, you can easily change the order of your fields using our drag and drop feature.  Simply click on the Move icon.  Hold your mouse button down and drag the field to your desired position.  Each existing field will show transparent as you decide where to position the selected field.  Once you have found your desired location, remove your finger from the mouse button to drop the field into position.



Once this information is completed, click ‘Save’ if you wish to stop here.  You can continue on to work on by hitting 'Save and Next' to continue to ‘Pricing’.




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