Event Manager Custom Field Waitlist

Event Manager Custom Field Waitlist

Event Manager Custom Field Waitlist


Setup Waitlist Capability on Individual Forms

From the Forms tab, click ‘Edit’ next to the Form you wish to add Waitlist capability to.

Once the Form is opened, click on the ‘Advanced’ tab and scroll to the section labeled ‘Access Control’.

Check the box labeled ‘Waitlist List’.

Select the capacity allowed to be waitlisted. For example “What is the max amount of people you will allow to add themselves to the waitlist”?

Select the response time you would like the system to wait before sending to the next person on the wait list once a spot has opened up. For example, if a spot opens up, the system will send an email to the first registrant waiting in line. How long do you want to allow them to register for the spot before an invitation is emailed to the next person waiting in line?

This will allow for a waitlist on the Form Capacity as well as Custom Fields allowing a capacity.

The Custom fields that allow for capacity are: Select One, Select Many, Unique Number, and Quantity.


Setup Waitlist Capability on Master Templates

To access your Master Templates, click on the ‘Admin’ tab.

Find the Master Template you wish to add ‘Waitlist’ capability to and click on ‘Edit’.

Once the Master Template is opened, click on the ‘Advanced’ tab and scroll to the section labeled ‘Access Control’.

Check the box labeled ‘Waitlist List’.

Select the capacity allowed to be waitlisted. For example “What is the max amount of people you will allow to add themselves to the waitlist”?

Select the response time you would like the system to wait before sending to the next person on the wait list once a spot has opened up. For example, if a spot opens up, the system will send an email to the first registrant waiting in line. How long do you want to allow them to register for the spot before an invitation is emailed to the next person waiting in line?

This will allow for a waitlist on the Form Capacity as well as Custom Fields allowing a capacity.

The Custom fields that allow for capacity are: Select One, Select Many, Unique Number, and Quantity.


How the Waitlist option Works

When the Waitlist option is turned it, it will notify a Registrant if one of more of the options are currently at max capacity. It will invite them to select alternate options or join the waitlist.

If you open up the form in Admin mode, it WILL allow you to bypass capacities. Be sure to cancel out Admin mode if you wish to see what is actually at max capacity and what is available.

The form will gray out any options that are at Full Capacity on Select One or Select Many fields. It will verify Unique numbers, and will allow you to see the quantity left on a Quantity field.

If the Registrant wants to join the waiting list for an item currently unavailable, they will just need to click on ‘Join the Waiting List’ option on the form.

This will provide them an option to fill out their name, email address, and selections they wish to wait for.

Once they click ‘Join Waiting List’ it will provide them confirmation that there place has been reserved in line in case any of these options become available later.


If a spot opens up through a previous cancellation or manual updating, the system will check every hour and email Waitlist Registrants starting with number 1 in line. If two spots open, it will email the first two, etc.

Depending on the amount of time selected under response time in the Advanced tab, it will wait that long before moving down the list and inviting the next person in line. If the potential registrant’s response time has expired they will not be able to register until everyone else on the waitlist has had an opportunity to respond. If spots still remain open after everyone on the waitlist has had an opportunity to respond, it will then be open again to the general public.

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