Create Items
Item: An individual unit (a Session or a Product)
Go to Setup>Inventory>Items
Click Add New
Enter the Name of the item.
Check the Service box if this is a service item such as a private lesson or class. Leave unchecked if this is a product for sale.
Select the Category
Enter the Price.
Fill in the amount In Stock if you want to track inventory stock. Check Unlimited if you do not need to track inventory.
For service items only, enter the expiration date of the service under Expires In.
Monthly - leave unchecked if this is only sold once and does not recur on a monthly basis.
Tax Exempt - only check if this specific item should not be taxes. Example, if taxes are set for Goods (Setup>Settings>Taxes) all products will be taxes except the ones that are checked here.
Allowed for Pro-Shop - Check this box if this item should be available in the Marketplace section of the Member Portal. Choose an image for your item and a description.
Update Student Rates - This is used to grandfather existing members into old rates if you are updating your prices. Select whether you want it to apply to New Students, All Students, etc. If this is a new item, choose All Members.