Replacement Wizard - FAQ & Answers

Replacement Wizard - FAQ & Answers

  • Do I always have to put a figure in the “Number of Received Payments” field listed on the New Value side during a replacement?

No. Only adjust that number if the next payment due date or amount of payments received needs to be adjusted.

  • Why does the Total Sales Price calculate the incorrect amount when I select to keep the last down payment?

When you select to keep the last down payment, the amount will be reflected in the Total Sales Price because it was a valid payment and still needs to show on this account.

  • If all I need to do is change the due date/amount due, will I have to replace the account?

If nothing is invoiced, you have the ability to make adjustments through Member Profile > Membership Tab > Change Bill Date and Payment Amount. If something is invoiced and you need to remove a currently pending invoice, then you will need to replace it.

  • Do I have to replace the account to update the membership code?

No. This can be done through Member Profile > Membership Tab

  • Why do I need to change the begin date but not the date signed?

The date signed should reflect the member’s original sign up date for the club. The begin date indicates when you would like to allow member access per the current agreement.

  • How do I adjust a member with a begin date in the future?

On the Operations page, Select Primary > Edit, to make changes on a Member Account that has a begin date in the future.

  • Do I have to replace an account to change the member’s payment cycle?

Yes, due to the fact that multiple items will need to be adjusted at the same time such as: any payments collected for current month, number of payments owed on the agreement, and the recurring payment amount.

  • When I select PIF, do I need to enter in a payment method?

As PIF is considered one Down Payment to complete payment for a given contract, a Down Payment Method must be selected.

  • What does Paid in Full entail?

Indicates the club is collecting the total amount owed IN FULL at the club. If eFit needs to process a payment, the payment cycle will need to be adjusted to another form of payment cycle.

  • Can I update a member’s address through a replacement?

You can update the billing information section but that will only update the billing address on the Membership tab of the account. To update their mailing address, you can do so on the Personal tab. We always recommend making these changes prior to replacing the account.


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