Glossary Of Terms

Glossary Of Terms

Member Profile

Member Profile: This is where we can view any member’s account information that is set up in Club Advantage for your club. We can edit the member’s information here as well.

Search (Magnifying Glass): Select this to pull up the Find a Member box. Here we can search by the members first or last name, member ID, account number, phone number, alternate account number, or by membership code.

Member ID Number: Member’s account number with a corresponding number as to the primary or secondary members. Example: a primary member’s ID number would be 1234561, while the second and third members on the account would be 1234562 and 1234563 respectively.

Save: Select this to save any changes made on the current screen in Member Profile.

E-mail: If member has an email address listed in Member Profile, this option will open a new email to the member.

Add: This link opens a window where you can add in a Secondary member to the given account.

Cancel: Opens a window to set up a cancellation for a member.

Freeze: Allows you to pause an Open End membership’s billing until a specified or non-specified date.

Continue Billing: If a member’s account is on hold, we can select this option to set up a date to reprocess the members account.

Account Number: Number attached to the account in Club Advantage. This is the number eFit Financial will ask for if you call in about a member’s account.

Billing Status: Shows members’ current billing status. Will read Current, Paid in Full, or Past Due for active accounts, and may read Returned, Expired, or Canceled for inactive accounts.

Agreements: View the member’s current and past contracts.

Member Profile: Dashboard Tab

Amounts: Payments last made, currently Due, and to be invoiced. Pay buttons open Post a Payment.

Dates: The corresponding dates for the Amounts section.

Counts: Quick reference for payments made so far, and how many times the account has been Replaced or Renewed.

Messages: Any notifications for the account (such as being Past Due) will appear in this area.

Attendance: A graph showing the member’s attendance for the past 2 weeks.

Attendance (cont.): The dates and times the member has checked in. The report link here will open the corresponding attendance Report.

Member Profile: Membership Tab

Extend Membership: Use this option to grant free months onto the end of a member’s contract. Not to be used with open ended accounts.

Change Bill Date and Payment Amount: This option allows you to make adjustments for upcoming billing dates and amounts. This option will NOT adjust already invoiced items, please use Replace for already invoiced payments.

Term: Displays the length of the membership, such as Open End, Fixed Term, Paid in Full (PIF).

Pay Cycle: States how often the member will be billed the recurring payment amount for club dues: weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, and semi-annually. Paid in full accounts will read Paid in Full in this box.

Payments at POS: The number of payments made at the club’s Point of Sale.

Signed: The date the member signed their agreement.

Begin: The date the membership became active.

First Pay Due: When the first payment is due for member’s contract.

Initiation Fee: Amount member paid for signing up with the club.

Recurring: Amount member will be charged on their payment due date.

Down Payment: Amount member was charged for a down payment; will include initiation fee if one was applied.

Sales Price: Full amount due for the member’s entire contract. If an open ended account, this will reflect their recurring payment.

Amount Financed: Amount member owes on account after any payments made at the time of signing up with the club.

Renewal Terms: If the member is set up with a renewal after their current contract, we can see the renewal terms here as well as edit the renewal information. Any changes made here will not take effect until the membership actually renews.

Billing Name: Name of the person responsible for payments on the account.

Billing Address: This should be the address attached to the member’s payment method, or where the statement or coupons need to be sent. All notices will be sent to the billing address as well.

Billing Phone: The phone number by which the member is contacted, provided anything goes wrong on the account.

Payment Method: The method of payment the member has provided for the account, such as Credit Card, EFT, Statement, Paid in Full.

Sales Person: Name of employee that set up account.

Source: Marketing source attached to the account, chosen by the club.

Registration Code: The unique code by which a member can access their account online. There is an option here to email this code directly to the member, for ease of access.

Member Profile: Transactions Tab

Transactions Tab

eFit Tab: Listing of all payments processed by eFit Financial.

ID: Transaction ID number. Click here to see Transaction Details. If a payment is returned, this is where you can see the decline reason.

Pay Date: Date the payment was processed or returned.

Invoice: Automatically generated number for item billed.

Amount: Amount paid or billed.

Status: Payment status will read Paid, Returned, Invoiced, Pending or Processing.

Description: Will state what the item is that is being billed or “Payment Received”. Payment Received will be displayed after a transaction is attempted, successfully or in return.

Due Date: Date the item billed is due.

Club Tab: Any payments taken at the club and posted to the member’s account will show here.

Credits Tab: Any credits pending on the member’s account will show here. These have not yet been applied to any items.

POS Tab: Any Point of Sale item applied to the member’s account will show here.

AP Tab: Listing of the member’s activity packages, includes expired packages.

ALL: Complete listing of all completed payments made on the account.

Member Profile: History Tab

Contact History Tab

Add: Any contact with the member should be notated on the account. Do so here by typing in the Comment box and hitting submit.

From/To: Dates can be entered here to expand/shrink the range of contacts that you see.

Member Profile: Personal Tab

Name: Member’s name. This is the name that appears in Search results and Reports.

Demographics: Member's date of birth, sex, and marital status.

Employment: Member’s employment info can be entered here.

Mailing Address: Member’s mailing address. This is separate from the Billing Address, and will be used when sending paper notices/statements to the member.

Phone: Phone numbers for reference. These numbers can be used to search for the member.

Email: Member’s email address. This field is required in order to send the member Email Blasts or to grant them access to the Member Portal. A link to Resend Verification Email is provided in case the member did not get the original verification email.

Interests and Comments: Any interests or comments the club deems relevant can be entered here.

Member Profile: Medical Tab

Emergency Information: Record any emergency contact information, doctor and health insurance information, and medical conditions for the member here.

Member Profile: Access Tab

Card #: Barcode numbers for checking in via FCCS can be entered here. Key FOB numbers will populate from Brivo if the member has been made active in Brivo Members. The link below (Brivo Member Management) allows you to quickly access Brivo Members to make changes.

Membership Code: Membership code attached to the account, chosen by the club.

Alt Account Number: If you would like to assign alternate account numbers for your members, you can do so here. For example, if you had a way of identifying member’s in a previous system or other member tracking method, you can continue to do so with this option. This would be a number you have to manually assign, the system will not automatically assign one to your members.

Member Profile: Settings Tab

Preferences: Options regarding phone contact and paper mail contact are displayed here.

Member Management (Operations Page)

New Member Entry: Enter a new or secondary member, finish entering a pending member, or convert guests/prospects into members.

Replacement Entry: Change or make a new contract on an existing member. Also allows the club to re-activate a canceled or returned account.

Renewal Entry: Before an account is set to expire, the club may enter a renewal. This new information is a brand new contract and is not able to be viewed until the current contract expires. Open ended accounts do not renew as they have no expiration date.

Continue: Continue entering or remove a partially entered member in Club Advantage.

Add/Edit Freeze Open-end Payments (Cannot Freeze Term Accounts): Use this option to stop billing for a specified amount of time. This feature can only be used on open end accounts. The club may charge the member a fee to put account on a freeze.

Post a Payment: Recording a payment that a member has made at the club. Post a Payment can be accessed through Operations, Member Profile, or POS.

Cancel a Member/Edit a Pending Cancellation of a Member: When the club wants to terminate a member’s account, you will use this option. You can set the cancellation date here as well as charge a cancellation fee if desired. There is a section to include a comment as to why the member is canceling.

Point of Sale Settings (if applicable): Manage categories, suppliers, and inventory for POS here.

Reports Page

All reports available through Club Advantage.

Administration Page

Order Replacement Card: If eFit Financial issues your member’s access cards, this is where an additional card can be requested if lost.

E-mail Blast: Send out an email to any member that has an email on their account. You can specify by: member status, membership code, and billing status.

Manage Member Credits Created at the Club: Apply any credits on a member’s account towards invoiced items.

Manage Member Alerts: Add or edit any message to display to all members when they check in at the club.

Manage Member Messages: Add or edit any message to display to individual members when they check in at the club.

Body Measurements: Record and review any body measurements for members here.

Rewards and Referrals: Grant member free months for membership dues.

Club Administration (Administration Page cont.)

Club Administration: There are many helpful options in this section. Below you will see commonly used ones explained.

View Waiver/Refund Requests: Listing of the status and other key information about any waivers or refunds requested for members.

Manage Club Information: Update any of the club’s information such as: contact information, location, email address, and website. Sales tax and POS sales tax amounts to be charged may be edited on the profile tab. You can also view the club’s contract with eFit Financial here.

Edit Terms and Conditions: Update the club’s terms and conditions to be applied to each member’s account.

Club Payment Calendar: Shows the live debit dates are as well as when a transfer of funds will occur.

Live Debit Date: Found on the club payment calendar and denotes days when payments are processed through eFit Financial. Dates with “**” on the Live Debit Date will be processed early in the morning.

Close Period: All financial information is processed for the club this day. If the close lands on a Live Debit Date, this is a day that all accounts with credit or debit cards on file will be billed early in the morning.

Send Funds: This is the day the club will receive their deposit. If the day after the “Close a Period” day is a weekend or holiday, the deposit (Send Funds) will show on the following business day.

Membership Agreements: Print any membership agreement, blank agreement, blank EFT forms, and Terms and Conditions here. You may also email a member their agreement from here.

Users: Add, modify, or delete any users (employees) from Club Advantage.

Member Access Portal Administration (if applicable): If the club is set up with the Member Access Portal with eFit Financial, this is where you can set up membership plans to sign up for online, give existing members registration codes for the portal, and also manage the club’s online store if they have one.

Marketing Sources: Edit marketing sources the club uses.

Guest & Prospect Tracking

Guest and Prospect Tracking: Service that is used to record any non members that use the club or are interested in using the club. Use the Search area on the left side of the screen to find any already entered guests and prospects.

Information Tab: Update a guest’s or prospect’s information here.

Attendance Tab: See the time and date of any check-ins at the club.

Contact Tab: Notate any contact with the member here under the Comments box.

New Tab: Enter a new guest or prospect.

Schedule Tab: Lists of any follow up activities assigned by the club.

E-mail Blast Tab: Send out an email to any guest or prospect.

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