Replacement Wizard (Overview)
This guide will walk you through a basic replacement of a member’s account.
There are many reasons why an account may need to be replaced, such as:
Expired for 30 days or more (contract was fulfilled and no renewal was activated)
Adjust already invoiced club dues
Changes in the due date or amount owed when payment is already invoiced
Payment was posted incorrectly for a down payment
Returned (happens after member is 60, 75, or 100 days past due. Please inquire with eFit Client Support if you are unsure what your club’s timeframe is set to.)
Member is cancelled and needs to be reactivated
Note: In order to replace an account, the current User must have Level 3 access or higher in Club Advantage. The replacement descriptions will be a walkthrough of each field in the replacement.
On the Operations page, select Primary under the Member Management section.
Select Replace from the drop-down list that appears.
The Member Account Replacement will open in a new window, starting with a member search function.
You can search for the member you wish to Replace by Telephone Number, First and/or Last name, Account Number or Member ID. Once you enter in the information into the appropriate field, select Search. The name of members who fit the search criteria will appear on the right hand side. Select the member from the search results to begin the Replacement process.
Section One
Please note: Any “New Values” fields left blank will have the “Current Values” carried over automatically. Unless a particular item needs to be updated, or the Replacement Wizard requires a specific field to be filled, the “New Values” can be left blank.
Date Signed: The date the agreement is signed by the member. Adjustments can be made by clicking on the calendar on the right-hand side of the New Value column.
Begin Date: The date the member’s account will become active in the system. This may differ from the Date Signed depending on when the member will begin attending the club.
Membership Length: Agreements for a specific period of time should be selected as Fixed Term, with the corresponding timeframe selected as well. Agreements that will be billed month to month should be selected as Open End.
Expiration date: The date the member’s Fixed Term agreement has been fulfilled. Open End agreements will not have an expiration date and this box will be grayed out.
Membership Code: Categorizes members based on your club’s preferences. Membership codes are set up on the Administration page under Lists Setup.
In order for eFit to process payments, the billing address on file needs to match the billing address with the member’s financial institution. If this is the same as the mailing address, check the corresponding box. If the member’s billing information has changed, or the account is being paid by a third party (parent, employer, friend, etc.), the new information will need to be entered in the corresponding New Values fields.
This completes the first page of the Replacement Wizard.
Payment Cycle: The frequency in which payments are invoiced, such as:
Weekly (once per week)
Bi-weekly (every other week)
Monthly (once per month)
Quarterly (once every three months)
Semi-annually (once every six months)
Annually (one payment in a 12 month period)
Paid in Full (total sales price collected at the club)
Paid in Full Amount: Total sales price dollar amount for a Fixed Term agreement.
Number of Payments: Number of payments to be collected on agreement. If the account is Open End, there will not be a number in this field.
Recurring Payment Amount: Amount to be invoiced for each payment.
First Payment Due Date: The date the first payment is set to be invoiced.
Initiation Fee: Extra amount the member would need to pay prior to becoming a member such as an activation or joining fee.
Payment Method: A number of ways to bill members for invoiced items.
Credit Card (Debit and credit cards but not flex cards)
EFT (Electric Funds Transfer, checking/savings account via routing and account numbers)
Statement (Paper billing sent each payment cycle)
Coupon (Payment book sent for all payments due. Fixed Term agreements only)
Paid in Full (Automatically selected if total sales price is collected at the club)
Note: Weekly and Bi-Weekly payment cycles are based on the day of the week in which the first payment is due.
Number of Received Payments: Number of payments that have already been collected on the agreement being replaced. This has no monetary value, however this will affect the member’s Next Payment Date.
Next Payment Due Date: Member’s next recurring payment due date based on changes made in the replacement.
Additional Amount to Collect: Additional amount that should not necessarily be categorized under initiation fee (key tag fee, locker fee, past due balance owed from previous agreement, etc.).
Add to Sales Price: Option for the club to reflect any additional monies collected to the sales price of the member’s account.
Cash Drawer: Option for clubs actively using the POS system to track this revenue in the POS reports.
Last Down Payment Amount: Amount collected as a down payment on the member’s previous agreement.
Additional Amount Plus New Initiation Fee: Sum of any new initiation fee and the additional amount to collect.
Last Down Payment Method: Method in which the previous down payment was collected.
Select Down Payment Method (drop down menu): Method in which the new initiation fee and/or additional amount to collect will be processed.
Ref #: Optional field for the club to enter the check number or last four digits of the credit card if down payment is collected at the club.
Options for the Last Down Payment amount of…?
This question is referring to the previous agreement’s down payment.
Keep the last down payment and do not collect any additional down payment
Previous agreement’s down payment is accurate and you are not collecting additional funds at this time.
Keep the last down payment and collect additional down payment
Previous agreement’s down payment is accurate and you are collecting additional funds at this time.
Disregard the last down payment and do not collect additional down payment
Previous agreement’s down payment is not accurate and will be removed. You are not collecting additional funds at this time.
Disregard the last down payment and collect new down payment
Previous agreement’s down payment is not accurate and will be removed. You are collecting additional funds at this time.
This completes the second page of the Replacement Wizard.
Renewal Terms:
This page is where all Fixed Term accounts can have a renewal added. If a renewal type is selected, the fields below will be automatically filled in based on the information entered in the member’s replacement. Please review the information to ensure no issues. Open Ended accounts do not expire; therefore will always have ‘No Renewal’ automatically selected.
Renewal Type: Keep in mind that these terms will not take effect until the original agreement is complete.
No Renewal: Account will not renew once current agreement expires. All Open Ended accounts will have ‘No Renewal’ selected.
Fixed Term: The agreement will be renewed into another agreement with a set number of months to bill. These will need to be manually entered by the club.
Open End: Account will automatically renew and continue invoicing with no expiration date.
Note: All Fixed Term agreements with No Renewal or Fixed Term renewal selected will be sent a renewal notice if the facility participates in the renewal notice service with eFit Financial.
This completes the third page of the Replacement Wizard.
Replacement Reason: Description of why the replacement was completed and possibly what was done to the agreement. The member’s account will be automatically notated with the reason for future reference.
Replacement Summary: A review of all adjustments made to the agreement prior to submission. This is the last opportunity to go back and make any further adjustments if needed.
This completes the last page of the Replacement Wizard.
NOTE: the replacement will NOT be finalized until the newly generated contract is submitted.
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