Buy Package
Purchasing packages is very important as its the only way for a member to be charged for services rendered through Activity Scheduler. Below is a walk through of Buy Package feature.
Accessing Buy Package
To access Buy Package, you will open up Activity Scheduler and go to the Packages Tab. Once your cursor is on the Packages Tab a drop down will appear. When the drop down appears please click on Buy Package.
Select Activity Package and Select Pricing Plan section
Now that you have selected Buy Packages this screen will appear. This is where you will select the Activity Group, Activity Package and Pricing Plan for the Activity Package.
1: Please select the drop down for the Activity Group to select the correct group for the package your customer will like to purchase. For example we have a Activity Group Cardio Kickboxing.
2: Please select the drop down for the Activity Package that is connect to the Activity Group that your customer would like to purchase. For Example we have an Activity Package for 10 Cardio Kickboxing Classes
3: Now that we have the Activity Group and Activity Package selected we need to select the Pricing Plan that the member. We can see here that we have a Pricing Plan for 10 Cardio Kickboxing Classes.
It will also inform you of the Package Term, Recurring Type , Recurring For (length of time), Payment Term, Payment Amount and if it is Discountable. Run your cursor to the Pricing Plan you like to select and click.
Purchase Screen
Once you have selected the Pricing Plan then Purchase Screen will appear. The Purchase Screen is divided into four sections. Member Info, Activity Package, Payment and Down Payment/Payment Method
Member Info: The Member Info section is where you will find the Member/Guest that is purchasing the package.
Member ID: If you know the Member ID for that Member or Guest you can place it in the Member ID field. If not select the Find Member or Find Guest links and find the Member or Guest.
Once you have found and selected whom is purchasing a package their basic information will appear. Member Name, Account Payment, Method Account Status and Account Expire Date (is applicable)
Activity Package: This section goes over the basics of the package that will be purchased.
Activity Package: names the Package that will be purchased.
Sales Person: Is who is selling the package. This is necessary if your facility uses commissions for compensation.
Package Term: Will inform you how long the package being purchased is for.
Bill if Frozen/Bill if Inactive: This informs you if you would like to bill the member for the package still if the Members account is Frozen or Inactive.
Payment: The Payment section goes over all of the financials of the package.
Payment Term: This informs you if the account is a Recurring Payment or must be Paid in Full.
Full Payment Amount: Shows how much the package costs
Discount Allowed: Is the package able to be discounted
Full Payment Plus Tax: If tax is applied to the package this will show you how much the payment is plus tax
Sales Tax: The percentage of sales tax being applied
Additional Tax: Any other additional taxes that need to be applied
Discount Percent/Amount: If a package is discountable this is where you will place either the Dollar Amount or Percentage. In gray it will tell you how much can be applied
Full Payment Amount Plus Tax and Discount (If Any): The payment amount with tax and discounts applied
Total Package Amount: The full payment amount of the package
Down Payment/ Payment Method: This section goes over how the package will be paid for
Start Date: Date the Package starts
End Date: Date the Package ends
Next Payment Due Date: Date next payment is due
Down Payment Amount Today: The amount of money the member needs to pay at the time of sign up
Down Payment Method: How the Down Payment is is going to be paid. If your facility is taking the payment you can choose to include that payment info your Cash Drawer by checking or un checking the check box.
Amount Financed: If a member has a Recurring Payment the Amount Financed will show how much money the member owes through the life of the package
Once all information is entered in you will select Next on the bottom right hand corner to move to the Submit Screen
If a member has a recurring payment the Down Payment/Payment Method section will look a little different, below is a walk through of those changes.
Purchase Screen 2
As you can see here this is an example of a Open End Activity Package.
You can see that the End Date, Amount Financed and Number of Payment fields all say Open End.
You can also see that there is NO Down Payment field and that has been replaced with a Payment Method field.
Select the drop down menu to select the Payment Method of how the member would like to process their payments for the Activity Package. If the member has a Credit Card or EFT account on file with eFit for their monthly dues that information will appear here.
If the member would like to place another form of automatic payment select the Create Payment Option link and a Edit Payment screen will appear for you to enter in a Credit Card of EFT account.
Once you have selected the Payment Method please select Next in the bottom right hand corner.
Submit Screen
The Submit Screen will show you the receipt for the package being purchased. Go over all information to make sure that everything looks correct. Once everything is ok select the Purchase button on the bottom right hand corner. Now the package has been applied to the members account.
This completes the Buy Package User Guide.
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