Member Payment Options

Member Payment Options

From time to time a member may want their Activity Package to be paid with another form of payment that is not attached to their Membership with the facility. The Activity Scheduler allows your facility to place different payment options on file for your members. Below is a overview of the Member Payment Options feature in the Activity Scheduler.

Accessing Member Payment Options

To access Member Payment Options, you will open up Activity Scheduler and go to the Settings Tab. Once your cursor is on the Settings Tab a drop down will appear.  When the drop down appears please click on Member Payment Options.

Search for Member

Once you have selected the Member Payment Options link, this screen will appear. We will need to Find the Member you would like to add/edit a payment option for. Please select the Find Member link.

Find Member Window

Now that we have selected the Find Member link this screen will appear. This is the Find a Member search window.

You can search for the member you wish to add/edit a payment option for by entering in the First or Last Name, Member or Account ID, Alt. Account # or the members Home Phone Number under the Search Criteria section.

Once you have found the member you wish to add/edit a payment option for please select their name with your cursor.

Payment Options

The Member ID for the member will appear in the Select Member field and the Members Payment Options will appear.

The Payment Option in Grey is the Payment Option attached to the members account for dues payments. If you need to update this Payment Option please got to their Member Profile and update option there.

If you need to Update/Edit a members existing Payment Option, please click on the Row the Payment Option you wish to update appears in.

If you need to Add A Payment Option to the members account please select the link off to the right Add Payment Option.

Add/Edit Payment Option Screen (Credit Card)

If you selected the existing Payment Option or the Add Payment Option link, this screen will appear. This is the Add/Edit Payment Option screen.

This is where you will Add/Edit the Payment Option for the member.

Payment Info: All information in this section is required. Below is a description of all fields that will need to be adjusted.

    Status: If the Payment Option is Active to be selected for Payment or Inactive and unable to be selected for payment. Select the drop down to adjust.

    Description: Brief explanation of what Payment Method is going to be used for. Scheduler, Scheduler Payment or Activity Package Name is most commonly used

    Payment Method: Select the Drop down to either select Credit Card of EFT. For example we have selected Credit Card (Please look at next step for EFT instructions)

    Card Type: When selecting the Credit Card Payment Method, you will need to select which type of card will go on file. Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express

    Card Number: Please place Credit Card number in this field. After card information is updated you will only be able to see the last 4 digits of the card.

    Card Expire Date: Please place Credit Card Expiration Date in this Field.

Now that all info is updated in the proper fields in the Payment Info section we need to go to the Billing Info Section.

The Billing Info section should have the members Name and Billing Address already in these fields. If any of this information is incorrect or not attached to the members Payment Info please update accordingly.

If you are comfortable with all information in the Payment and Billing Info sections please select Update in the bottom right hand corner.


Add/Edit Payment Option Screen (EFT)

If you need to place a EFT Payment Method on file the Payment Info section. The fields that need to be Edit/Updated will change. Below is an explanation of these fields.

Bank Name: Name of the Bank the members Bank Account is attached to

Routing Number: 9 digit number attached to the Savings or Checking account

Account Number: Number attached to the account we are adding

Account Type: Please select either Savings or Checking

You will still need to go through the Billing Info section to make sure that all information is connected to the Payment Info.

If you are comfortable with all information in the Payment and Billing Info sections please select Update in the bottom right hand corner.

After Selecting Update

Once the new Payment Option has been Updated, it will appear in the under the Payment Option section. It is now available to be applied to a members Activity Package.

This completes the Member Payment Option Overview.

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