Scheduler (Overview)
Whether you are creating add-on packages for services at your facilities, scheduling activities for your members, or having your members sign up and enroll for these activities, the Activity Scheduler can be a huge asset for your business. Below is a overview of the Activities Scheduler and the features it has to offer.
Accessing Activity Scheduler
To access Activity Scheduler, log into Club Advantage software. Once on the Operations page you will see links for different tabs in the Activity Scheduler. To start, please select the Calendar link.
This is the Calendar screen. Below we will be defining what is on this screen.
Tabs: Below the Activity Scheduler title you will see four tabs. These tabs will be how you will navigate through the Activity Scheduler. We have Calendar, Activities, Packages and Settings. We will be going over these tabs more in detail throughout the overview.
Filter Activities By: You will be able to Filter Activities by any one of the selections in this section, Date, Activity Group, Activity, Instructor, and Location. Once you have made a selection the Calendar will reflect what has been chosen.
Day Week Month: If you select any one of these options from the drop down on the right, the Calendar will show what Activities are scheduled based on that timeframe.
Selecting An Activity
Now we will be going over the functions within the Calendar.
First is Signing up a Member for an Activity. This is a great way to see who is attending the Activities you will be offering, and make is easier to give your Instructors a gauge of how many people are attending the classes, so they can adjust their schedules accordingly.
Please run your cursor to an Activity you would like a member to sign up for. In this case we will be signing up a member for Yoga activity offered at 1PM.
Sign Up Members Screen
This is the Sign Up Members Screen. This is divided into 5 sections, Activity, Sign Up Members, Signed Up Members, and Package.
Activity: This section goes over the basic information of the Activity you have selected.
Activity: Name of the Activity you have selected
Group: Activity Group the Activity is attached to
Instructor: Name of the Instructor attached to the Activity. If blank that means there is no Instructor attached.
Email: Email of the Instructor attached to the Activity. If blank you can place a email on file if you wish.
Location: Where the Activity will take place. As you can see it going to be in Studio 1
Available Days: This field will show when the Activity is Available from.
Book From: Will Show the Day and Time the Activity Starts.
Book To: Will show the Day and Time the Activity Ends.
Sign Up Members: This is where you will search for the Member you will like to sign up.
Name: Select the Magnifying Glass Icon. A Find a Member screen will appear enabling you to find the member. Once you have found the member click on their name and it will appear in the Name field.
Email: If the Member you have selected has a valid email address it will appear in this field. You can send the member a notification of the class they have signed up for.
Comment: You can place a comment to the members thanking them they joined, or any other information that they will need to know
Once you have found the member you can then sign them up for the Activity and then the other sections Package and Signed up Members come into play. Please select Sign Up on the bottom Right Hand corner of the screen.
Sign Up Members Screen 2
Signed up Members: Any member you have signed up with for this Activity will appear here. You will be able to Print a list of who is attending by selecting the Print icon. Click the name of member, If you would like to attach a Package or select if the member has Attended the Activity.
Package: If the member you have selected has an Activity Package you would like to attach, select the Magnifying Glass and a window will appear with the Packages that can be attached, then just click on the package.
Now that we have Signed up the member, on the bottom you will have 4 options to choose from.
Record Session: If this Activity is in association with a Session Activity Package you can select this choice to Record a session on that members Activity Package.
Drop out: If the member will not be attending and would like to remove themselves to let someone else sign up for the class you can do so by selecting Drop Out.
Done: If you are finished signing up members for the Activity select Done Sign up to go back to Activity Scheduler Main Screen.
Save: You will select Save if you would decide to sign up another member for the Activity or make any adjustments to the Member you have just Signed up.
Availability and Color Coding.
Now we will navigate back to the Calendar.
If you look at the 1PM slot for Yoga, it only has 9 slots available. This is because only 10 Members can sign up for this class. This can be adjusted to whatever number your instructor can handle.
If you look on the top of the Calendar we have a Color Code Key which will help explain the colors you may see on the Calendar.
Blue: Activity is Open for sign up
Red: Activity is Full and sign up is no longer permitted
Grey: Activity has already Past and is unable for members to sign up
Create/Edit Activity through the Calendar
The last feature we will be going over in the Calendar is Creating/Editing Activities through the Calendar. It is very easy and does come in handy.
To Create an Activity: Please run your cursor to an available or unscheduled time and Click.
To Edit or Create an Activity: Run your cursor to an Activity and "Right Click" then a Menu will appear, you can select Edit Activity to Edit that Activity you selected or you can select Create Activity and you can Create an Activity during the time another Activity is set as well.
Once you have selected either option...
Edit/Add Activity Screen
This screen will appear. You can Edit any Activity this way or if you need to Create, the fields in this screen will be blank. Below is a description of all the fields.
Activity: This is the field where you will name the Activity you wish to create or edit. This is a required field
Group: The Group that will be associated with the Activity. This is a required field
Duration: How long the Activity will be. Place either how many Minutes or Hours the Activity will be the the first field and then with the drop down select either Minutes or Hours. Ex. 30 Min or 1 hour. This is a required field.
Instructor: Whom is teaching/running the Activity. Select the drop down and all Instructors that have been entered in should appear.
Instructor E-mail: If your Instructor would like to be notified by email if someone has signed up for the Activity, please place the Instructors email in this field and select the correct choice in Notify when Booked.
Location: If you have a certain room or location where the Activity will take place, you can select the drop down and attach that Location to the Activity.
Attendee Limit: Where you will place how many people can attend your Activity. You can also choose if it is exclusive to active members by checking the Members Only check box.
Dates: Where you will select when the Activity begin and ends. If you wish to have a recurring activity and no end date please leave the To section blank.
Time: The time your Activity will take place. It will need to also match the Duration you placed on file as well.
Days: This is where you can select what days the Activity will be taking place.
Daily: If your Activity will take place every day place select this choice.
Weekdays: If your Activity will take place Monday-Friday please select this choice.
Weekends: If your Activity will take place Friday-Sunday please select this choice.
Custom: If you would like to choice which exact days your Activity will take place like Tuesday and Thursdays only, select this choice and check the days your Activity will be available.
Once all information is filled out select Save Activity and you have now just Created/Edited your Activity. This Activity will now appear in the Activities section and will appear on your Calendar and will be eligible for members to sign up.
This completes the Calendar. We will now start to go over the Tabs.
Activities Tab: Manage Activities and Scheduled Activities
The first tab we will be going over is the Activities Tab. Some of the features within the Activities Tab is Creating/Editing Activities and Emailing Scheduled Activities.
The Activities Tab has two links, Manage Activities and Scheduled Activities.
First we will go over the Manage Activities link.
Manage Activities Link
When you select the Manage Activities Link this screen will appear. You will see most of your Activities.
If you do not see all of them go to the Filter By section and filer packages by Group or Instructor.
If you wish to Edit one of your Activities, select the Activity and a Edit Activity Screen will appear.
If you instead need to Create an Activity select the Create Activity Link on the right.
We do have a separate manual available for this tab for some further in depth options you have. Please refer to the Manage Activities User Guide for any questions.
Next we will discuss the Scheduled Activities Tab.
Scheduled Activities Link
The Scheduled Activities Tab.
Any of the members you have scheduled for an Activity that day will appear in the Member Activities section.
You can check the box under the Select column and then select the Email Member link to email that member a reminder about the Activity.
If you need to bring up another day's Activities or a certain members Activities they have sign up for, use the Search Criteria field.
This completes the Activities Tab overview. We will now look over the Packages Tab.
Packages Tab: Manage Packages, Buy Packages, Purchased Packages, Record Session
We are now going over the Packages Tab. Some of the features of this tab are Creating Activity Packages, Purchasing Activity Packages, going over Purchased Packages, and Recording Sessions on Session Activity Packages.
There are four links attached to this tab: Manage Packages, Buy Package, Purchased Packages and Record Session.
The first link we will go over is Manage Packages.
Manage Packages
When you select the Manage Package link this screen will appear. We have the Select Activity Package section and the link off to the right Create Packages.
The Select Activity Packages section will allow you to search for existing Activity Packages by Activity Group or Activity Package.
The Create Package link will forward you to Create an Activity Package in the Activity Scheduler.
Please select Create Package.
Create Activity Package
Now that the link has been selected we are on the Create Activity Package section.
We will go over the New Activity Package section first.
Activity Group: Select the Activity Group you wish you package to be attached to. All Active Activity Groups will appear here
Package Name: Type the name of the package you wish to create
Package Status: Select Active or Inactive if you wish for your package to be able to be sold.
Package Type: In this field you will select either Session or Non-Session. Session means that you will have to track and record sessions member is using where Non Session you do not.
Requires Instructor: Select Yes or No if this package requires a Instructor to be attached when selling the package.
Taxable: Select Yes or No if you would like Sales Tax to be applied to the Package.
Description: Place a brief Description of the package you are selling. This field comes in handy when selling Activity Packages through the Member Access Portal.
Available in MAP: Select Yes or No if you are intend to sell this package in the Member Access Portal.
Editable Pricing Plans: Select Yes or No if Club Advantage users can Edit Pricing Plans for this package.
Once you have all fields filled out to your specifications, we will need to Create a Pricing Plan for the package.
Please select the Create Pricing Plan link off to the right.
Creating a Pricing Plan for an Activity Package
The Edit Pricing Plan link will appear. This is where you will set all financial information regarding the Activity Package.
You can create multiple Pricing Plans for an Activity Package. Below we will go over the the Edit Pricing Plan link.
Plan Name: Name you would like to give the Pricing Plan
Package Term: You will have 3 choices to choose from Session, Fixed Term or Open End
Session: Select session if the Activity Package is a Session Activity Package
Fixed Term: Select Fixed Term if the Activity Package will Expire after a certain amount of time (You will need to select a recurring option if this is selected)
Open End: Select Open End if the Package will continually be charged and a Recurring Option will be selected. (You will need to select a recurring option if this is selected)
Recurring Options (Not Pictured): Select Weekly, Bi Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual or Annually to determine when the members package will process
Min Sessions: Place the number of Minimum Sessions the Pricing Plan will process for (will not appear if Package Status is set to Non Session)
Max Sessions: Place the Maximum number of Sessions the Pricing Plan will process for (will not appear if Package Status is set to Non Session)
Sessions Expiration: If the Sessions will never Expire and the member can use them when they please select Never Expire. If you want to place an Expiration Date select Expires In (will not appear if Package Status is set to Non Session)
Member Only: Check this box if only members can use this Pricing Plan. No Guests will be able to use this Pricing Plan if checked (will not appear if Package Status is set to Non Session)
Payment Term: Select Member must Pay in Full if Payment is due today or Select Recurring Payment if payment will continually be charged
Payment Amount: The amount you like to charge for the Activity Package
Plus Tax: If you have Sales Tax included it will place what the Payment Amount is Plus Tax. You can add Additional Tax as well if needed.
Payment Amount is: If the Amount is Per Session select this. If the Amount is Per Recurring SET of Sessions select this. If the Amount is Per Package sold select this.
Discountable: Select Yes if a discount can be applied to the Price , Select No if a discount cannot be applied to the Price.
Bill if Frozen: Check if you would like payments to continue even if the members account is Frozen
Bill if Inactive: Check if you would like payment to continue even if the members account is Inactive
Once all fields are filled in full to your liking please select Save in the bottom right hand corner.
If you have any questions at any time regarding this please feel free to contact us here at eFit Financial (877-772-3348), where one of our client support representatives will be happy to assist you!
Save Package
Now that we have selected Save the Pricing Plan will appear under the Pricing Plan Section of the Create Activity Package section. This completes the Manage Package link.
Now we will be going over the Buy Package link.
Buy Packages 1
The next link we are going to touch on is the Buy Packages link. This is what you will select to sell an Activity Package to a member. When selecting the Buy Package link this screen will appear.
Buy Packages 2
There are 3 Sections. The Select Activity Package, Package Info and the Pricing Plan.
Select Activity Package: Use the drop down menus for both Activity Group and Activity Package to select the exact Activity Package you wish to sell.
Package Info: Once you have selected the Activity Package the Package Info will appear going over the Package Type and Package Description attached to the Activity Package selected.
Select Pricing Plan. Once you have gone over both fields all Pricing Plans attached to the Activity Package selected will appear. Please select the Pricing Plan you wish to sell.
We are looking over this briefly because we do have a separate manual that goes over the next steps in detail. If you have any Questions please refer to that manual or contact eFit Financial.
The next link we are going to go over is the Purchased Packages link.
Purchased Packages Link
When you select the Purchased Package link, you will be forwarded to this screen. There are 3 sections to this screen, Select Member, Member Account, and Select Activity Package.
Select Member: This section we will be able to find members/guest who have Active Packages. Please select one of the "Find" links and search accordingly for the member/guest in question.
Member Account: Once you have found the member/guest some of their basic information will appear here.
Select Activity Package: Now that we have looked over the member/guest info we can now select one of the Active Activity Packages they have attached to their account. Run your cursor to the Package and click.
Packages and Sessions
Once you have selected the Activity Package, a Packages and Sessions section will appear with the Package Info.
Package Details: This outlines the Basic information of the package.
Payment: Goes over all Financials of the Activity Package. Here you can make adjustments to the Next Payment Invoice Date, The Payment Method and place a Renewal on the package. After making any of those adjustments just select Save in the bottom right hand corner.
You can Print out a copy of the Original Agreement if you need to as well by selecting the Print Original Contract link.
If you need to Cancel the package and remove it from the members account please select Cancel Package.
This completes the Purchased Packages link. We will now touch on the Record Session link.
Record Session
The final link in on the Packages Tab is the Record Session link.
This is where you will go to Track and Record Session for members with Session Activity Packages.
As you can see here the initial Record Sessions looks a lot like the Purchased Packages screen.
When you do use the "Find" links and you bring up a member/guest what will appear is only the Session Activity Packages attached to that member.
When you see the Session Activity Package appear under the Select Activity Package section please select that Package.
Record Session Tab
Once you select the Session Activity Package 4 tabs will appear under Package & Sessions. Package Info, Earned Session, View Session Log and Record Sessions.
The tab we will be going over is the Record Session Tab.
The Record Session Tab is where we will Record a Session on the members Activity Package. We will need to adjust the Session Log Data Section to be able to Record.
Session Log Data
Session Date & Time: The Date & Time the Session was used. This can be adjusted if you may have forgot to Record a Session from the day before.
Sessions Used: You will place the number of sessions used in the package during the Date and Time for that Member.
Instructor: If you would like to keep track of who is recording the session you can place the Instructor's name in this field by selecting the Magnifying Glass icon and selecting the correct Instructor.
Generate Ticket: You can check the check box if you would like to Print a Receipt of the Session that is going to be recorded for the members records. This will give information such as how many sessions they have left and how many they have used along with date and time of the session that will be recorded.
Once all information in the Session Log Data is filled out please select Save in the bottom right hand corner.
If you would like more information regarding this feature please go over the Record Session User Guide.
This completes the Packages Tab. We will now go over the final tab which is the Settings Tab
Settings Tab: Activity Groups, Activity Locations, Instructor Availability Schedule, Member Payment Options, Calendar Default Hours
This is the Settings Tab. Some of the features of this tab are Creating Groups for packages, Creating Locations where Activities take place, Setting your Instructors availability, and placing Payment Options on your members/guest accounts.
Their are five links attached to this tab, Activity Groups, Activity Locations, Instructor Availability Schedule, Member Payment Options and Calendar Default Hours
The first link we will go over is Activity Groups.
Activity Groups
The Activity Groups link is where you will go to Create/Edit Groups that can be attached to Activities and Packages. You can either use the Select Activity Group drop down to Edit a Existing Group or Use the Edit Activity Group section and place a name of a new Group in the Group Field and select Save.
There are other features to this link as well and you can refer to those by going to the Activity Group User Manual.
We will now go over the Activity Locations link.
Manage Activity Locations
The Activity Locations link will allow you to create and Edit Locations that can be attached to Activities you create within the Activity Scheduler.
To Create a new Location select the Create Location link.
Once you do an Edit Location window will appear. You will then place the name of the Location in the Location field and then select Save.
If you need to Edit an Existing Location just select the Location under the Locations section and the Edit Location window will appear, where you can adjust the name or make the Location Active or Inactive.
That completes the Activity Locations link. We will now go over the Instructor Availability Schedule link.
Instructor Availability Schedule
The Instructor Availability Schedule will allow you to set the times an Instructor is available for Activities.
To start go to the Select Instructor section on the left and select the Magnifying Glass link. A pop up will appear with all Instructors for the facility.
Once you select the Instructor you wish to adjust times for, the Availability Schedule will then activate. You will then set the Dates, Time and Days your Instructor is available.
As you can see in the picture, Instructor Gabe Salazar has a From date of 8/4/14 to Blank which means he does not have an End date. He is Available from 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM and under the Days field that is under Weekdays. So anyone can schedule him from the Hours of 5 AM - 10 PM Monday through Friday. Then select save and the Instructors Availability is set.
Lets say the Instructor has a vacation up and needs to make sure no one is scheduling him/her for Activities. The Instructor can set the Unavailable Dates and no one will be able to schedule them into an Activity. Select Unavailable Dates and a pop up will appear, set the dates the Instructor will be unavailable.
If the Instructor needs to set a block of time they are not available for a certain day, say a lunch break or they need to pick their kids up from school, they can select the Unavailable Times link and set the time they are Unavailable, so no one can schedule an Activity for them during that time.
This completes the Instructor Availability Schedule link. We will now go over the Manage Payment Options link.
Member Payment Options (refer to manual)
The Member Payment Options link is where you can place a members Credit Card or EFT Information on file to be used strictly for Activity Packages.
After finding the member in the Select Member section all of their Payment Options will appear in the Payment Options Section.
To Edit a Payment Option select the Payment Option you wish to Edit and a Edit Payment Option will appear, allowing you to make the necessary adjustments needed.
To Add a New Payment Option select the Add Payment Option link and the Edit Payment Option will appear allowing you to enter the new Payment Option.
There is a separate manual for this link as well, so if you do have questions please refer to the Manage Payment Options manual.
We will no go over the final link under the Settings Tab which is the Calendar Default Hours
Calendar Default Hours
The Calendar Default Hours link allows you to set the times Activities can be scheduled.
The Start Time usually will be the time your facility is open to the public. You can set that time by adjusting the Hour and Minute drop downs.
The End Time will most likely be about 30 minutes before you close your facility for the day. You will set the time just as you would the Start Time by adjusting the Hour and Minute drop downs.
When this is set and you try to schedule an Activity Before or After the allotted time a message will appear informing you that this is not in the allotted time.
This completes the overview of the Settings Tab.
Wrap Up
This completes the overview of the new Activity Scheduler. Now if you have any questions or concerns regarding anything in the Activity Scheduler, please contact one of our Client Support Representatives at 877-772-3348.
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