Record Session

Record Session

Most Activity Packages that are created involve a number of Sessions. Whether it's 1 session with a Personal Trainer or a set of 10 sessions for a Spin class, it is imperative to track sessions used by your clients. Below is a walkthrough on the Record Session feature.

Accessing Record Session

To access Record Session, you will open up Activity Scheduler and go to the Packages Tab. Once your cursor is on the Packages Tab a drop down will appear.  When the drop down appears please click on Record Session.

Find Members or Guests

We are now on the first screen for Record Session. We need to find the person we are going to Record a Session for. You will see three links that can be selected to search for a person to record their sessions

Find Member: Select this to find an Active Members account whom has a Sessions Activity Package type.

Find Inactive Members w/ Active Packages: Select this to find an inactive member with an active Sessions Activity Package. (if you have questions regarding this please call Customer Service)

Find Guest: If you have guests that have bought a Session Activity Package please select this.

Once you have selected one of the three links…

Find A Member

Find a Member screen will appear. This is the Find a Member search window.

If you have selected Find Inactive Members w/ Active Packages all members who have Active Packages will appear.

If you have selected Find Guest, all guests who have Active Packages will appear.

You can search for the Member/Guest you wish to Record a Session for by entering in the First or Last Name, Member or Account ID, Alt. Account # or the members Home Phone Number under the Search Criteria section.

Once you have found the Member/Guest you will then run your cursor over to the member name and click it once.

Select Activity Package

Now that you selected the Member/Guest their Member/Guest ID will appear in the Member ID section and their Active Session Activity Package will appear in the Select Activity Package section.

Please select the Activity Package you wish to Record a Session for.

Packages & Sessions Section

Once you have selected the Active Activity Package a Package & Sessions section will appear with 4 tabs. Package Info, Earned Sessions, View Session Log and Record Session.

Package Info Tab

The Package Info Tab will go over all the basic information about the Session Activity Package that was purchased.

If a members requests a print out of the original contract you can select the Print Original Contract link and print out the original contract for the member.

If you need to cancel the package please select Cancel Package on the Bottom right hand corner. If you do chose to cancel that package all sessions are forfeited and cannot be tracked.

Earned Sessions

The Earned Sessions Tab will show how many sessions the member has on that package, how many they have used and how many sessions they have left on their package.

If you select Expire on the right hand corner, you can expire all sessions on the members Activity Package. This should only be used if the member is no longer going to be using the package

Record Session

The Record Session Tab is where we will Record a Session on the members Activity Package. We will need to adjust the Session Log Data Section to be able to Record.

Session Log Data

    Session Date & Time: The Date & Time the Session was used. This can be adjusted if you may have forgot to Record a Session from the Day before.

    Sessions Used: You will place the number of sessions used in the package during the Date and Time for that Member.

    Instructor: If you would like to keep track of who is recording the session you can place the Instructor's name in this field by selecting the Magnifying Glass icon and selecting the correct Instructor.

    Generate Ticket: You can check the check box if you would like to Print a Receipt of the Session that is going to be recorded for the members records. This will give information such as how many sessions they have left and how many they have used, along with the date and time of the session that will be recorded.

Once all information in the Session Log Data is filled out please select Save in the bottom right hand corner.

View Session Log Tab

After Recording the Session just used, you can go to the View Session Log tab to confirm the sessions the member/guest has used.

You can print this out as well for the member/guests records if they wish by going to the Session Log Report link in the right hand corner. A report will appear enabling you to print it.


This completes the Record Session overview.

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