Post A Payment

Post A Payment

Post a Payment is where you are able to post payments for Membership Dues, Activity Packages and Point of Sale Items. You can also create credits on members accounts for future items, as long as there are no open invoices. This guide will go over the basics of Post a Payment.

How To Access Post a Payment

You can access Post a Payment from three locations in the Club Advantage software.

The first location is on the Operations page. There are links for different tabs in Post a Payment on the right.

The second is within the Point of Sale. In the top right corner you will see a link for Post a Payment.

The third is located on the Dashboard tab of any given member’s Profile. You will see two “Pay“ buttons located near the top left of the Dashboard tab.

Clicking on any of these links will forward you to Post a Payment.

Post a Payment

This is Post a Payment. This main screen is where you will be posting payments and member credits. If you did not access Post a Payment via a member’s Profile we will need to search for a member first.

If you know the member’s Account Number who you wish to post payments for, enter in that number in the Account Number field in the top left.

If you don't know the members Account Number you can select the Magnifying Glass icon next to the Account Number field. The Search overlay will appear, allowing you to search for the member in question.

Member Search

This is the Member Search overlay:

You can search for the member using the following:

First and/or Last Name, Member ID, Account #, Alt. Account #, Phone # or Bar-code card.

Once you have placed information in any of the Search Criteria fields click on Search.

When you hit Search all of the search results regarding your criteria entered will appear. Once you have found the account you are looking for Click on that persons name to select them.

Payment Screen Unpaid or Partially Paid Invoices

After selecting the members name all amounts that are due on their account will appear under the Unpaid or Partially Paid Invoices Tab. You will also see some of the members basic information including the Current Balance Due.

Selecting Invoice Number

At a glance you may not immediately recognize what exact items are a due. Clicking the Invoice Number you will find more information on the particular invoice, such as the Transaction ID, Due Date, Description of the item, and the Amount Due.

Membership Dues/Activity Packages

If members want to make payments for Future Transactions you may do so by accessing their Membership Dues or Activity Packages by selecting the appropriate tabs above.  Due dates for these Future Transactions will be displayed. Click under the Pay column for the corresponding invoice and type in the amount they are paying.

You will not be able to process future transactions if there are open and unpaid invoices (Amounts Due Today). Open Invoices have to be paid before making any future payments.

Pay Amount

To start posting a payment onto a members account you will need to type the total amount they are paying under the Amount field off to the left.  

Once you have placed that amount in that field, Click on the amounts to the right of the Invoices you wish to mark as paid for.

If it is a lesser amount than the total of the invoice, type in that specific amount in the field. This is known as a Partial Payment.

Payment Method

With the Pay Amounts complete we will need to select the Payment Method for the payment we are posting. 

Near the bottom left you will see the Payment Method drop-down list. Select the drop-down list and then select the corresponding Payment Method of how the member is paying.

Cash Drawer Box and Confirm Payment

After selecting the Payment Method, you will see the Cash Drawer Box. If you wish the amount you are collecting to appear in your Cash Drawer and Cash Drawer ReportsClick on the box to have it checked. If not, make sure it is left Blank and Un-Checked.

You are now ready to confirm the payment. Run your mouse to the Confirm Payment button and Click on it.

Confirming the Payment

You will be forwarded to this screen:

This screen is to review the Account Number, Payment Amount and Payment Method along with the Invoices you are processing one last time. 

If you are paying for Future Dues or Future Activity Package payments they will be listed under the Membership Dues and Activity Packages sections.

Once everything has been confirmed, select the Confirm button to Post the Payment.

Signature Pad

If your facility has a Signature Pad and you would like for your members to sign on their receipts for Credit Card Payments, after a Credit Card payment has been processed and approved you will be forward to this screen to ask if you would like to take a signature.

From there the member will be able to sign their name on their receipt using the Signature Pad.

(This feature is only for clubs that have a Signature Pad. If you have the Signature Pad and you would like this feature please call eFit Financial at 877-772-3348 so that we activate it for you.)

Receipt Options

After confirming the payment you will be forwarded to this screen, where you can Print or Email the Receipt to the member. 


The picture above is what you should see if you select Print Receipt, and the picture below is what it would look like if you were to select Email Receipt

If the member does not have an email address on file you will need to enter it in “To" section, to send it to them.


Once the transaction is completed you will be forwarded back to the main screen of Post a Payment, where you can choose to post another payment on a members account.

This completes the Post a Payment overview. If you require further assistance with Post a Payment or anything else in Club Advantage, please call the eFit Technical Support line (877-772-3348) where our support staff will be happy to assist further!


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