Testing And Advancement

Testing And Advancement


Mark Ready to Test

In order to book a member into a testing appointment, they must first be marked as ready to test. If you have set a skills or appointment requirement, the member will automatically be marked as ready upon completion of these requirements.

To manually mark a member as ready, go to Members>Programs and use the search fields to locate the member in question.

Once you have located the member, check the box to the left of their name.

Now select Ready to Test from the Actions drop down.

A Confirmation screen will pop up with the options Close, Apply to Checked or Apply to All Found.

Click Apply to Checked

(Note: you can click apply to all found if you want all members located by your search criteria to be marked as ready)

The member will now be marked as Ready to test.


Book Test

Once your members are ready to test you can easily book them into a test appointment from the programs page.

(In order to book testing appointments from the programs tab, you must have an upcoming testing appointment on your schedules)

Go to Members>Programs

Use the search fields to locate the member in question.

Once you have located the members in question, check the boxes to the left of their names

From the actions drop down, choose Book for Test

A window will pop up displaying all available testing dates

For the desired date click Book Test for Checked

Member is now booked for testing appointment.

Once the member is checked into the testing appointment, they will be marked as Complete.

(The change to "complete" status after testing is currently not functioning. It is expected to be corrected by 6/1/17)



Advance Level

To advance a member to the next level go to Member>Programs and use the search fields to locate the member in question.

Check the box next to the member’s name

From the actions drop down, choose Level Up.

In the window that pops up, choose the date of advancement and click Apply to Checked.

The member will now be advanced to the next level.



Export Certificate

The export certificate action can be used to generate a list for all selected members that includes: Member Name, Belt Size (if tracked) Program name, Previous Level (if any), Finish Date (of the previous level), Current Level, and Start Date (of current level)

To create this list, go to Members>Programs

Check the box next to each member, you want to be included, on the list.

Then, choose Export Certificate from theAactions drop down.

In the window that pops up, click Apply to Checked.

The file that downloads with be in .txt format. This cannot be opened directly with excel, but you can copy and paste all of the data contained within into a spreadsheet, and it will retain formatting.

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