Member Groups

Creating a Group:  Member Groups can be created to create family groups or corporate group so that each member of the group  will be billed by the group leader.  This way only one customer is billed for sessions used by each of the group members.  To add a member group, click on Members>Groups>Add Group.

  • Name: Fill in the Name of your Member Group

  • Group Leader: Assign one of your members to be the Group Leader by selecting Add Leader
    - Bill Group Leader / Bill Group Members: Select one. TIP: Usually, for a family group, we recommend you select Bill Group Leader
    - Use Group Leader Items When Member Has None: Again, in a family situation, the group leader would usually have the items on their account and members of the group are able to use those sessions

  • Contact Name: Add a contact for the group

  • Address: Add an address for the group or you can select Use Group Leader's

  • Contact Phone: Add a phone number for the group

  • Email: Add an email address for the group


Now, it's time to add members to your group.

  • Click Add Member

  • Find the member you'd like to add and click Add

  • Repeat as many times as needed

  • Click Save

Remove Members from Group

  1. Click Members

  2. Click Groups

  3. Enter the name into the keyword

  4. Click Search

  5. Select the group that you want to work with

  6. Scroll down to the list of members

  7. Click the Remove button next to the member’s name that you want to remove

  8. Click OK