Programs And Levels - Members

Programs And Levels - Members

The Programs and Levels functionality allows you to pull information on your members that are currently in programs.

  • Click Members

  • Select Programs

  • Use the drop down menus to filter information:
    Programs: The programs that you have created.
    Test: The member's status in the program. Choose between ReadyBookedComplete and Not Ready
    LevelThe levels that you have created.
    Skills: The skills that you have added to the level
    Level Status: Choose between All, Completed and Current

There are many things that you can do from this program tab and they include:

  • Mark members ready for test. There may be times in your business when you want to advance one of your members before they have met the criteria that you created for the level. You can mark them ready for test.

  • Book for a test, search for members that are ready to test and book them en mass for the appropriate type of test.

  • Advance level, for your levels that require a pass you can search for all the members that are booked for the test and advance the ones that have passed to the next level

  • Export labels, for creating labels to be used on belts, letters or just about anything you want.  Use with Microsoft Word or other software programs that support this functionality.

  • Export Certificates, for creating certificates for your members that have passed the level, Again to be used with a software program that supports a mail merge type function. 

Click on the member's name and you will be directed to their own Programs area listing all programs they are doing or have done within your business.

Click on the Level option to see a summary of the progress made. The status of each program/level is displayed: Completed meaning that it has been finished, Current which means that they are currently in this program/level or Advance, which if clicked, will skip the member to the next program/level.

Click on the Skills option to see which skills have been completed and when. You can mark a skill as completed by clicking Done.

Click on the Appointments option to see a list of the appointments associated with the program and the status of the appointments.

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