Merge Duplicate Members

When you merge members all aspects of the members will be merged and this action cannot be undone.

Note:  If the members are in the same automated lead flow you will have to stop the lead flow on the record you are not keeping before you merge records.

There are 2 ways to merge members:

  • Search from the Member Search 

  • Find duplicates from the Member Profile 

 Search from Member Search:

  • Click the Members tab.

  • Enter your search criteria and click Search.

  • Check the boxes for the records you would like to merge and click Merge Selected Records from the Actions drop-down.

  • Select Set Master for the record you want to keep.  All the fields from that record will be selected. Override any selections by clicking the option for on the unselected record. All the fields that are not the same will have a red mark beside them. 

  • Click the Merge Button - THIS ACTION CAN NOT BE UNDONE

Find Duplicates from the Member Profile:

  • Got to the Member profile.

  • Click Find Duplicates.

  • Choose the fields you want to search on, and click Find Duplicates.

If the profile has any duplicate matches it will show up in the Member search screen.  The matched fields you searched on will show with a $.  As above, check the boxes for the records you would like to merge and click Merge Selected Records from the Actions drop-down.  Follow the steps for merging records above.