Check-In Module - OLD MODULE

Check-In Module - OLD MODULE

Check In Module

This area is for when you want to scan in your members as they are coming into your facility.

  • Click on Check In


  • Scan Member card or enter Member ID manually into the input box and hit enter

  • Volo will show you who has just arrived and if they are booked for any appointments. If there are classes starting within the hour of when the member is scanned in, Volo will display the appointments in the drop down menu.

If the Check In To Facility button is displayed, it could either mean one of two things:

  • There are no classes starting

  • Either a membership needs to be purchased or the membership isn't set up to include the Facility Check-In item

If a member already has a valid membership, they will get automatically checked in.

You also have the option to simply Delete the member from the Check In Module.


Member Search

You can also search for a member to check them into a class.

Go to the Check In Tab and then click Search in the top right hand corner.

You can then enter a first or last name as well as appointment type and schedule if you would like, and click Search.

Volo will display all matches and you may then click Check In on the right to check them into a class or the facility.


Bulk Class Check-In

You may also check in students in bulk using the class check in tab.

Go to Check In and then click Search. 

Then select the Class Checkin tab. You can filter based on date, schedule and class. Then click Seach. 

A list of anyone pre-booked into that class will appear at the top and anyone eligible to attend that class based on the items in their package or contract will appear below. 

You can check the boxes on the left for anyone you want to check-in and then Click the Check In Selected button at the bottom to check in a class in bulk. Or you can look through the list and just click on Check In next to an individual name to check in just that member.

Check In Through the Schedule

Another check-in option is going through the Schedule. Open the schedule you want to check members in for and then select the class you are looking for.





Once you open your class, scroll to the bottom where it says Student's Attending Class. If you have anyone pre-booked into this class, you can check them in individually or in bulk.


If you do not have anyone pre-booked for the class, you can still go into the class, add the student's name and save it. Then click on the class again and you will have the same check-in options as above and can check them in.


Check In Settings

  • Allow multiple check-in: This will allow your members to check in to multiple classes at once.

  • Future check-in: Set how far in advance your members can check in before a class begins

  • Late check-in: Set how far, after the class starts, that your members are able to check in

  • The background check in option allows you to use your computer to do other activities while members are checking in. If this is something you're interested in setting up, email Support at support@myvolo.com and we'll schedule a time to get you all set up. Check In Hardware (Scanner/Keypad, Key cards) required.


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