Point Of Sale - Overview

Point Of Sale - Overview

The Point of Sale is an essential function for all facilities and a highlight of the Club Advantage software. Below is an Overview of the Point of Sale going over the basics of Processing a Purchase, Processing a Return, Managing your Inventory and basic day to day procedures.

Accessing the Point of Sale

To access the Point of Sale you will log onto the Club Advantage.

Once logged into Club Advantage you will land on the Operations page, where you will see 3 links for the Point of Sale: Purchases, Returns, and Settings (Manage POS).

Purchase: This tab allows you to process Purchases for your facility

Returns: This tab will allow you to process Returns processed in POS only

Manage POS: This Tab is where you will be able to Manage the Cash Drawer (Open & Close) Void Transactions and Manage Inventory

For now, please select the Purchases link.

POS Purchase

Once you select the Point of Sale link you will be forwarded to this screen.

We will be going over these selections in detail as we go along in the Overview.

  • Manually Open Cash Drawer:

 If you have a physical cash drawer connected to your computer. Select this button to manually open your cash drawer

  • Post Member Payments:

 If you are in Point of Sale and a member comes in to make a payment for their dues. Select the Post Member Payments button to PROPERLY post their payment onto their account (via Post a Payment).

  • View Product: 

To sort your Products by category select the drop down and select which category you wish to sort your products by

  • Product Search:

 If you are having difficulty finding a product you have listed you can type the product in this field and press enter and it will appear under the product section

  • Shopping Cart:

 This section is where all items selected for purchase will appear

  • Barcode Scanner is Active:

 If you have a scanner for your Point of Sale. This notification appears to let you know you are able to scan bar codes attached to your products, and they will be placed in your Shopping Cart.

  • Clear Shopping Cart and Process Purchase:

 Press Clear Shopping Cart to remove all products in your Shopping Cart and select Process Purchase after all products your customer would like to purchase are in the Shopping Cart to process payment

Now that we have gone over the basics of this screen we are now going to go over How to Process a Purchase

How to Process a Purchase

We are now going to start to process a purchase in Point of Sale.

First thing we need to do is select a Product to Purchase. Run your mouse to a Product under the Product sections and Click on it.

It will then move to the Shopping Cart section.

Once a Product in in the Shopping Cart you can adjust the Quantity by placing changing the number under the Quantity field.

You can also Discount the item as well by placing either a dollar amount or percentage under the Discount fields.

Once all Products are ready to be purchased please select Process Purchase.

How to Process a Purchase - Process Purchase Screen

Once you select the Process Purchase button the Process Purchase screen appears. This screen is where you will assign purchases to members. Double check your product selections and sub totals, apply a payment method, adjust your receipt message and submit your order. We will break down the page in further detail.

  • Tracking POS Transactions:

 If you need to assign a purchase to a member's account, select the Magnifying Glass icon in the top left hand corner. A search screen will appear allowing you to find the member's account you wish to attach the purchase to. Their Member ID and Name will appear. By doing this this will allow you to charge a product to a member's account and/or use credits on the member's account for purchase.

  • Purchasing:

 This section is where you will double check to make sure all Products and Totals are correct.

  • Payment Method:

 This is where you will place how the customer is paying for the product. You can have multiple Payment Methods to process a purchase. Below we will go over all Payment Method Options.

    Cash: Any Cash taken for a purchase. Please type the amount you have taken in the Cash amount field

    Check: If a customer is paying by Check. Type the amount you have taken in the Check amount field. Also a number field will appear under the Payment Details section. Please place the Check number in this field

    Credit Card (Processed at Club): If your facility has a Credit Card machine processed by merchant services this is where you will track that payment. Type the amount you have taken in the Credit Card field. After that select the drop down under Payment Details and select type of card you are processing.

    Instant Pay: If you need to process a Debit or Credit Card through eFit Financial you will select this choice. Type the amount you will need to process under the Instant Pay amount field. Once that happened a blue link will appear under Payment Details. Select that link and enter in the Card information and the select Done Entering in Card to verify the card you are using is valid. Once that occurs it will then forward you back to the Process Purchase screen.

    Gift Certificate: If your facility sells Gift Certificates and if a customer decides to use it you will select this choice. Type the amount you are taking in the Gift Certificate field.

    Charge to Members Account: If you would like to charge a members account for any POS product, select this choice. Type the amount you would like to be charged under the Charge to Member amount field. If a member has a Debit/Credit Card or EFT account that is on file for dues it will then charge that payment method as soon as the purchase is submitted. If your member is on a Statement it will then add onto the amount they pay for dues. If your member is on a Coupon payment method or a Paid in Full member you will not be able to use this selection.

    eFit Credits/PrePaids: If a member has a POS Credit on file for them they can use this choice to purchase their products. Type the amount you using in the PrePaid amount field.

  • Custom Receipt Message:

 If you would like place a message on the receipt you will change that under this field.

  • Back and Submit Order Buttons:

 If you notice something is not right with the purchase you can select the Back button to go back to the previous screen. When you are ready to submit your customer's purchase select Submit Order.

Once you have gone through the process of a purchase for a customer and you select Submit Order you will be forwarded to the Choose an option screen.

How to Process a Purchase - Options screen for receipt

The Choose an Option screen is specifically for Point of Sale Receipts. Here you will be able to Print or Email a Receipt. Once finished you will select done to get back onto the Main Screen.

Back to Main Screen

Now that you have selected Done we are back on the Main Screen. For our purposes we will now move to Returns and more specifically processing a POS return. Please select the Return Tab on the top left.

How to Process a Return

Now that we are on the Return Tab. We can now start the process of returning a purchase.

To process a Return is essentially just like processing a Payment. You will select the Product, it will then appear under the Shopping Cart section. If needed you can adjust the Quantity and apply a Discount if needed.

Once that is all complete select Process Returns on the Bottom right hand corner

How to Process a return - Return Purchase Screen

We are now on the Process Return screen. It is once again very similar to the Process Purchase screen.

  • Tracking POS Transactions:

 If you need to assign a return to a members account. You will select the Magnifying Glass icon in the top left hand corner. A search screen will appear allowing you to find the members account you wish to attach the return to. Their Member ID and Name will appear. By doing this this will allow you to charge a product to a members account and use credits on the members account for purchase.

  • Returning:

 This section is where you will double check to make sure all Products and Totals are correct. There is also a Check box for Inventory Returns. If you Check this box the Return will then be added back into the Items Inventory under Manage Inventory.

  • Refund Method:

 There are 2 ways your facility can issue a return through POSCash or Credit Card (Processed at Facility). Place the amount you would like to return under the amount section. If you have a Credit Card machine you will need to fully process the return through that machine onto the Card that was processed but all tracking can be done through POS.

  • Address:

 If you require a address and reason for a return from your customer you will place all that information here

Once you have filled out all information regarding the Return you will select Submit Returns, to complete the transaction.

How to Process a Return - Options screen for receipt

The Choose an Option screen is specifically for Point of Sale Receipts. Here you will be able to Print or Email a Receipt. Once finished you will select Done to get back onto the Main Screen

Back to Main Screen

Now that you have selected Done we are back on the Main Screen. For our purposes we will now move onto Manage POS tab and go into all functions of that tab. Please select the Manage POS tab on the top left.

Manage POS Tab and Sections

Once on the Manage POS tab, you can see it is divided into 4 sections. Manage Cash Drawer, Transactions, Inventory and Receipts. We will be getting into these sections in detail as we go along.

Manage Cash Drawer-View Drawer Link

The View Drawer option allows you to view the amount currently in the cash drawer. This is beneficial during busy times to ensure money doesn't need to be added or removed from the drawer. Select View Drawer.

Once you select the link to View Drawer, a pop-up window will appear with the following information

Amount of CASH in drawer and Amount of CHECKS in drawer: Will both reflect physical payments in the cash drawer. This money will consist of all payments, including the opening amount of the drawer.

Amount of CREDIT CARD SLIPS in drawer: Shows the amount of payments that were processed through the facility's own credit card terminal through their own bank.

Amount of CHARGE ON ACCOUNT RECEIPTS in drawer: Shows the amount of payments applied to member's accounts to be submitted through our normal batch processing.

Amount of GIFT CERTIFICATES in drawer: Will only reflect an amount if the facility participates in a gift certificate program. This will be the use of the gift certificate not the purchase.

Amount of INSTANT PAYMENT- Credit Card in drawer: Should be a collection of receipts printed from credit card transactions processed through eFit.

Amount of CREDITS in drawer: Will only reflect an amount if the facility allows members to use POS only credits. The amount shown on the receipt will reflect the amount of the credit used, not the total amount applied to the member's account.

Last date cash drawer was opened: shows the date and time of the drawer being opened

Last date cash drawer was closed: shows the date and time of the most recent reconciliation for the cash drawer.

Manage Cash Drawer- Open Drawer Link

The Open Drawer is a function that will need to be completed at the beginning of each day or shift, depending on how the facility chooses to use this feature. Select Open Drawer.

Once the link is selected, the pop-up screen will prompt you to enter a Starting Cash Amount. The amount will need to be determined by each facility individually. The Starting Cash Amount will be the amount in the cash drawer at the beginning of the day, or start of a shift.

The minimum amount that can be entered in this field is $1.00.

Manage Cash Drawer- Close Drawer Link

The Close Drawer option is how the cash drawer will be reconciled at the end of the day or a shift. Select Close Drawer.

The Close Cash Drawer window will appear prompting you to enter information the corresponding fields:

Amount of CASH counted and Amount of CHECKS counted: Will both reflect physical payments in the cash drawer. This money will consist of bills, change and checks. The Starting Cash Amount will need to be calculated within this total as well.

Amount of CREDIT CARD SLIPS in drawer: Are the receipts for all payments processed through the facility's credit card terminal and documented in our system.

Amount of CHARGE ON ACCOUNT RECEIPTS in drawer: Are the receipts to show amount of payments applied to member's accounts to be submitted through our normal batch processing.

Amount of GIFT CERTIFICATES in drawer: Will only be included if the facility participates in a gift certificate program. The gift certificates are provided to the members by the facility.

Amount of INSTANT PAYMENT- Credit Card in drawer: Should be a collection of receipts printed from credit card transactions processed through eFit.

Amount of CREDITS in drawer: Will only reflect an amount if the facility allows members to use POS only credits. The amount shown on the receipt will reflect the amount of the credit used, not the total amount applied to the member's account.

Note: In Internet Explorer, once you select the Submit button, if there is a discrepancy a popup window will appear letting you know there is an issue and ask if you are sure you want to continue. This is an opportunity for an employee to go back and recount all items if the discrepancy is unknown.

Manage Cash Drawer- Adjustment Link

Adjustment allows the facility to make an alteration to the amount reflected in the cash drawer. This can be used to pay vendors or add and remove cash from the drawer when funds are low or high.

The Adjustments pop-up window will appear.

Adjustment Type: Cash In indicates you are submitting additional funds to the cash drawer. Cash Out indicates you are removing money from the cash drawer.

Amount is the total funds that will be added or removed from the cash drawer.

Reason is where the employee needs to enter an explanation for why funds are being added or removed from the cash drawer

Manage Cash Drawer- View POS Cash Drawer Activity Report Link

View POS Cash Drawer Activity Report provides a list of basic transaction information for a selected date range. This report does not include specific items that make up each transaction.

This report can also be found in CA>Reports>Management>View POS Cash Drawer Activity Report.

Enter the desired date range in which you want to view this information and select Generate Report.

When the report generates, it will provide you with the following information.

 The box at the top of the report will show you:

    Report Title: POS Cash Drawer Activity Log Report

    Printed: The date the report is generated

    Club Number: The number assigned by eFit Financial

    Transaction Date Range: Dates chosen in the parameters

 The column headers explain what information is listed below including: Transaction Date, Transaction Type, Processed By, Payment Method, Amount and Comments.

 The Comments column will have notes automatically generated by the system on certain transactions and some notes manually entered by the facility. There will be transactions that do not have any special notes.

Manage Cash Drawer- View POS Cash Drawer Z-Out Report Link

View POS Cash Drawer Z-Out Report is a way any member of management can verify the information input by an employee balances with what the system shows was processed.

This report cannot be generated until the cash drawer has been closed for the day or shift.

Note: This report can also be found in CA Reports>Management>POS Cash Drawer Z-Out Report.

Select the Close Date/Time that needs to be reviewed and select Generate Report.

Once the report is generated, the facility will be able to view which employee opened the drawer and which employee closed the drawer. It will also provide a breakdown of each Payment Type.

The Actual column reflects the amount entered by the employee during the Close Drawer process.

The Calculated column reflects the amount the system shows was processed. If they balance there will be a check mark to the right of the Calculated column, and if they do not balance an X will be displayed.

On the bottom of the report it shows all transactions processed for each payment type. For additional information on the transactions, select the description listed under Type.

This will provide information on the party that purchased the item, the amount of the item, tax associated with that item and the information listed on the main report.

For additional information on this transaction, the facility can reference the POS Transactions Report.

Note: The POS Transactions Report can be found in CA>Reports>Point of Sale>POS Transactions

This completes the Manage Cash Drawer section we will now go into the Inventory Section and how to Void a Transaction

Void a Transaction

We are now back on the Manage POS Screen. We are going to jump into the Transaction section now.

This section will go over, Void a Transaction and View POS Transaction Report.

Please select the Void a Transaction link.

When you select the Void a Transaction link under the Transactions section in Manage POS. This screen will appear. This screen will allow us to find the transaction we wish to Void.

You can search for the Transaction in 2 ways. By Displaying Transactions for a Member or to Display Transactions for a Date Range.

Displaying Transactions for a Member: Place the members Member ID number in the open field. If you do not know the Member ID number, select the Standard Member Search link and find the member that the transaction you wish to void will be attached to.

Display Transactions for a Date Range: If your transaction you wish to void is not attached to a transaction or you do not know what member the transactions are attached to, set the date ranges in you wish to search for. It will then bring up all the transactions processed in POS during that time.

When you Display Transactions for a Member you only see Transactions attached to this members account. You can tell by the Members ID number appearing in the Member ID section. To actually Void the transaction you will select the Date link under the Date section.

When you Display Transactions for a Date Range you will see all Transactions processed during that time period. Any Transactions attached to a members account will have a Member ID number in the Member ID section and when you find the Transaction you wish to Void you will select the Date link under the Date section.

After selecting the Date Link on the transaction you wish to Void a Product screen will appear showing the details of the transaction. Once you have gone over the details select the Next button.

Once you have selected Next on the Product Screen, this screen should appear stating the transaction has been successfully voided. This transaction has not been officially removed from all POS reports. Now that the transaction has been voided please select Next

View POS Transaction Report

POS Sales Transactions Report parameters allows you to select the desired date range, specify a Payment Method (Cash, Check, Credit Card, etc.) and select a Membership Type (Member or Guest).

The report column headers include: Transaction Date, Customer(Member ID) and Salesperson.

Transaction Date will provide the date and time the transaction was processed.

Customer (Member ID) will list the member the transactions is associated with, if any, the quantity and description of the item(s) sold.

Sales Person currently lists the Transaction ID, Amount of each item, a total for all items in the transactions and a link to view Payment Method(s).

In order to get the details on the Payment Method(s) select the blue link.

The report will provide a drill down that shows the Payment Method, Amount covered by that payment method and the Transaction ID.

This completes the POS Transaction Report. Once finished going over the report please close out of it to go back to the Manage POS tab.


We are now back on the Manage POS Screen. We are going to jump into the Inventory section now.

This section will go over, Adding Inventory, Adding Bulk Inventory, and Managing Categories and Suppliers.

Please select the Manage Inventory link.

Main Inventory Page

We are now on the Main Inventory Screen. As you can see there is basic information regarding all inventory items. The Description, Price, Quantity, Inventory Item and Status are all included.

The Description is the name of the product.

Price is how much the product is charged to members

The Quantity is how much of an item is available to be purchased. If you see an NA it means that the products Quantity is not tracked.

Inventory Item section shows if a Products Inventory is tracked or not.

And the Status is where you can make a product Active or Inactive for purchase.

You can adjust any existing Product by selecting Edit from the right hand side.

Please go back to the Manage POS page, and select Add Inventory from the Inventory section.

Add Inventory Screen

We now have the Add Inventory screen up. This is where you will add any new Inventory items you would like customers to Purchase. We are going to go over all fields in this screen

Category Code: Select the Drop Down which will show all Categories for your facility. Select the proper Category that the product should be attached to.

Description: This is where you will place the name of the product.

Size: If the Product has a size say like a XL T-Shirt. Place the size in this field.

Color: If the Product has a color, place the color name in this field.

Comments: If their is any special notes regarding the product please place any comments in the Comments section.

Inventory Item: This is where you will place if the Product you are entering in, will have its Inventory tracked. Select Yes or No

Current Inventory Level: How much of a certain product you have at this moment

Maximum Inventory Level: The Maximum number of a certain product you can have at one time

Minimum Inventory Level: The Minimum number of a certain product you can have at one time

Purchase Cost: How much does one unit of the product cost. Selling Price: How much you are going to sell one unit of your product.

Taxable Item: Select Yes or No if the product you are selling needs to be taxed. You can also add additional tax if needed. Please look up your States Tax Code if you have any questions regarding Tax.

Discount Percentage: If you have a Product on Sale you can place a percentage discount for your product. Whenever someone purchases the product an discount will automatically be applied.

Supplier: Select the Drop down if you are attaching a supplier to the Product.

UPC Barcode: If you have a Point of Sale scanner, you can scan a UPC barcode that is on your Product and load it onto this field. Then when that items barcode is scanned it will appear in the shopping cart

Alternate Product ID: If you have a different way of tracking or listing your products you can place another Product ID in this field.

Status: This is where you will make the product Active or Inactive for purchase

Once you have made all the necessary adjustments to all of the available fields. Select Submit on the bottom right had corner and now that product is an available item to purchase.

This completes the Add Inventory section. Please navigate back to Manage POS and we will now move onto the Bulk Add Inventory Quantities link.

Bulk Add Inventory Quantities

This is the Bulk Add Inventory Quantities link. When you facility has a big shipment of existing products come in instead of adding your inventory one by one in add inventory, you can use this feature to "Bulk" add all products.

You can sort the products by Product Category or Supplier by using the drop down fields attached on the top of the screen.

You will see the product names in on the left hand side then adjust the Quantity under the Quantity Adjustment section and also adjust the Unit cost if needed by making those adjustments in the Unit Cost section.

Once you have made the Quantity Adjustments for all the Products you can, you will select Update on the bottom right hand corner.

This completes the Bulk Add Inventory Quantities section. Please navigate back to Manage POS and we will move onto Manage Categories.

Manage Categories

When you select the Manage Categories link, this screen will appear. This is where you can add a Product Category to attach to your products and also adjust existing Product Categories.

To add a new Product Categories is very simple. Under the Add Category section place the name of the Category you wish to create in the Category field.

If you have any notes you would like to have on file for that Category, place them in the Comments section.

Make sure to set the status as Active to be able to have the Category applied to products or Inactive to not have the Category applied.. After you have made the proper adjustments select Submit on the bottom right.

You will then see the Category you created in the View Categories section.

To adjust an existing Category select the Category name. The information will appear and you can adjust the name or make the status Inactive.

To fully remove the Category, check the Remove box for that specific Category and then select the Remove button.

This completes the Manage Categories link. Going back to Manage POS, we will now move into the final link, Manage Suppliers.

Manage Suppliers

When you select the Manage Suppliers link, this screen will appear.

This is where you will place all of you supplier/distributors information. All basic information including Company name Phone address should be all included. Make sure to have all Contact info as well, Contact Name, Phone Number and Email.

Once all this information is filled out please select submit.

Now you can apply this supplier to a product that they distribute for you.

This completes the Manage Inventory section of the Manage POS Tab. We will now go back to Manage POS.


The last section we will be going over under the Manage POS tab it the Receipts section. As you can see there is only one link, Search POS Receipts.

Search POS Receipts link will allow you find receipts of already processed items and allow you to re-print or email them to customers.

Please select the Search POS Receipts

POS Receipt Search

Now that you have selected the Search POS Receipts the POS Receipt Search screen appears.

You will be able to search for receipts by Member, Receipt Date or Amount.

If you need to find a receipt that is attached to a members account place the Member ID of that member in the Member ID field. If you are not sure of the Member ID you can always search for the member by selecting the Standard Member Search link below the field. Once you find the member and click on their name their Member ID will appear in the proper field.

If you need to find a receipt that is not attached to a member but you know the date of the transaction took place the correct date in the Receipt Date section. Select the calendar on the right hand side and select the date accordingly

If you know the exact amount of the receipt and would like to search for it that way. Place that amount in the Amount field.

Once you are ready to search select the Search button on the bottom

POS Receipt Search Results

We have clicked the Search button and then this POS Receipt Search Results screen will appear.

As you can see there is a transaction showing the Date, Total Amount and Product under the Summary section.

If you need to send a email of the receipt select the Yellow email icon under the email section and a pop up will appear allowing you to enter the email address in and send the receipt.

If you would like to view/print the receipt select the receipt number under the Receipt section


This completes the Point of Sale - Overview. If you have any questions at anytime, please contact our Client Support line at 877-772-3348.


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