Edit Terms And Conditions (Overview)

Edit Terms And Conditions (Overview)

The Terms and Conditions for any facility is an important document when signing up members. This document should go over legalities and liabilities with members use of equipment and injury, early termination and cancellation terms and possible facility fees on top of their dues payments. Below we will be going over how you can edit and customize your terms and conditions for your facility.

Administration Page->Edit Terms and Conditions

To access the Edit Terms and Conditions feature please go to Administration Page->Agreements ->Edit Terms and Conditions.

Edit Terms and Conditions

Once on this screen you will see the Default Terms and Conditions that eFit Financial has for the club. You have the ability to Delete the template provided by eFit and place any information relevant to your state laws or your own terms and conditions here. This is where you would place the facilities cancellation policy so this info is given to any member whom signs up. Once all information is entered and you are satisfied you will then select Submit.

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