Contract Details

This help article will assist you with customizing the details that appear on your contract.

  • Click Setup

  • Click Personalize

  • Click Contracts 

Default Terms Contract Options

This wording is used for any “in house” contracts not billed through Member Solutions billing services.

  • Member Information: This area contains specific details about the Customer on the contract and the Member the contract is purchased for.

  • Membership Information: This area contains specific details about the actual membership terms

  • Payment Information: This area contains details on payment, such as the number of payments, payment frequency, etc.

  • POS Confirmation Required (Contract Signature Options): Choose the type of confirmation at the point of sale, between None if no confirmation is required, Finger Signature if you will be having members sign on screen using a mouse, finger or electronic pencil on a tablet or Digital Confirmation where the customer can just simply type their name as acceptance. Note: Signature option is no longer used as we do not link with a signature pad.

  • Online Store Confirmation:  Set as Finger Signature for online purchase.  

  • Cancellation Terms: This area contains details on the contract's cancellation terms.

  • POS Confirmation Required (Contract Signature Options): Choose the type of confirmation at the point of sale, between None if no confirmation is required, Finger Signature if you will be having members sign on screen using a mouse, finger or electronic pencil on a tablet or Digital Confirmation where the client can just simply type their name as acceptance. Note: Signature option is no longer used as we do not link with a signature pad.

  • Online Store Confirmation:  Set as Finger Signature for online purchase.  

  • Legal Terms & Conditions: This area contains details of the contract's legal terms and conditions.

  • POS Confirmation Required (Contract Signature Options): Choose the type of confirmation at the point of sale, between None if no confirmation is required, Finger Signature if you will be having members sign on screen using a mouse, finger or electronic pencil on a tablet or Digital Confirmation where the client can just simply type their name as acceptance. Note: Signature option is no longer used as we do not link with a signature pad.

  • Club Authorization Required: Choose between No Confirmation, or Digital Confirmation

  • Online Store Confirmation:  Set as Finger Signature for online purchase.  

  • Click Save

MSI Terms Contract Options:

This wording is used for any contracts that are billed through Member Solutions billing services. The option to choose Default or MSI is set in the contract setup under Setup>Inventory>Packages. See above for details about each section. Note: The signature settings in the top settings are used for both Default Terms and MSI Terms.