

Member Manager allows you to setup Alerts that can display to members when checking in, or to staff members when viewing a members profile or booking a member into a class. To configure these alerts go to Setup>Alerts.

From here you can choose to display alerts to all staff, all members, or configure alerts for individual staff members using the drop-down menu.

There are 10 different Alerts that can be configured for Staff members and 6 of these alerts can be set for members to see as well. Below is how each Alert works:

Credit Card Expiration

  • This alert will show you if the Members credit card is going to expire. You can set how many days in advance of the expiration that this alert will display.

Items About to Expire

  • This alert will let you know if the member has unused items on their remaining tab that are about to expire. You can set how many days in advance of the expiration that this alert will display.

Sessions Remaining

  • This alert will let you know if a member's remaining items dip below the threshold you set.

Student Inactive

  • This alert will let you know if the member's profile has been deactivated.


  • This alert will let you know if the member has unfinished questionnaires.

Outstanding Invoices

  • This alert will let you know if the member has any outstanding invoices on their account.

Birthday Alert

  • This alert will let you know when a members birthday is approaching. You can set how many days before and after the members birthday that the alert will display.

No Sessions Alert.

  • This alert will let you know that a member has no sessions remaining for the class you are trying to book or check them into. 

Client is a Prospect

  • This alert will let you know that the member is marked as a prospect.

Contract About to Expire

  • This alert will let you know when a member's contract is about to expire and not set to renew. You can set how many days in advance of the expiration that the alert will display.


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