Email Alerts

Email Alerts

We will automatically send an email notification to you or any staff member you designate when any of the following conditions occur:

  • Returned Payment - Notification that a member's payment has been returned by their financial institution.

  • Direct Payment Notification - Member Solutions requires confirmation that a payment has been received at your location.

  • Credit Card Decline - Attempts to charge a payment by credit card have been unsuccessful.

  • Cancellation Inquiry - A member has inquired about cancelling their membership.

  • Payment Method Change - A member has changed their payment method.

To manage your alerts online:

  1.  LOGIN to your MSI Billing account

  2. Choose the "Financial Summary" link on the left menu bar

    1. Select the "Alerts" tab

    2. Select "Click Here to Manage Your Email Subscriptions"


We can help you set up your initial alerts by completing the Email Alerts section on the Servicing Options Form. You may assign multiple people in your organization to receive email alerts.

Click Here to Access

Questions? Contact our Client Services at 888.277.4407 or email client@membersolutions.com.


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