Dashboard Quick Stats

Dashboard Quick Stats

Below is a list of descriptions for the Quick Stats on your Member Manager Dashboard. Stats show for the period selected on the right. Note: All stats may not show depending on user/staff permissions.

Total sales – Total value of contracts, packages and products sold.

New members – Total number of new member records added during the period selected.

Cancelled members – Total number of members who cancelled a contract or package.

Active members – Total number of active member records as of today. Note: This refers to the status of the member profile record, and not the contract or renewing package status.

Total outstanding –  Total value of past due invoices. In the event of overpayments, this field value may be displayed as negative. 

XL Inquiries – Total number of members who inquired about cancelling their membership.  Member Solutions Full Service billing clients only.

Total Open Tasks – Total number of open and past due tasks for staff members. Owners will see all tasks; staff members will see their specific tasks. 

Members w/out a visit – Total number of members who have not checked in for a class or appointment.

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