Club Settings
Adjust various settings within your Member Manager site.
Click Setup
Click Settings
Select Club Settings
Time Zone/Additional Time Zone - Set your Greenwich Mean Time during and outside of Daylight Savings.
Club Currency - Set your country's currency
Show Class Availability - Set whether or not you want to display class availability on the member portal
Self Registration Allowed - Set whether or not you want to allow potential customers to self register. This option will create a signup link on your landing page.
Auto Close Days - Set whether or not you want Volo to automatically close at day's end (or do a mass check-in of everyone on the day's schedule)
Hide Member ID - Set whether or not you want to display the member ID
Mark New Members as Prospects - Set whether or not you want to automatically mark all new members as a prospect
Show Membership - Set whether or not you want to display membership information within the Check In Module
Automated Reminders - Set a default for a member's automated reminders: No reminder, Email or Text. This will set the option automatically for any new member added to the system. Members can still make changes to this setting from the Member Portal.
Allowed Users with Unpaid Invoices - Set whether or not you want to allow members with unpaid invoices to access the facility. This option can also be used with 24 hour access systems to allow/prevent members from opening the door.
Auto-process Scheduled Payments - Select this option if you'd like to have your scheduled payments be automatically processed.
Allow multiple check-in - This will allow your members to check in to multiple classes at once.
Future check-in - Set how far in advance your members can check in before a class begin
Late check-in - Set how far, after the class starts, that your members are able to check in
Product name max length - Set a max character length for your inventory (products, services, packages, etc)
API Key - Generate an API key to be used with hardware integration, 24 hour access integration, etc.