Club Settings

Club Settings

Adjust various settings within your Member Manager site.

  • Click Setup

  • Click Settings

  • Select Club Settings

  • Time Zone/Additional Time Zone - Set your Greenwich Mean Time during and outside of Daylight Savings.

  • Club Currency - Set your country's currency

  • Show Class Availability - Set whether or not you want to display class availability on the member portal

  • Self Registration Allowed - Set whether or not you want to allow potential customers to self register. This option will create a signup link on your landing page.

  • Auto Close Days - Set whether or not you want Volo to automatically close at day's end (or do a mass check-in of everyone on the day's schedule)

  • Hide Member ID - Set whether or not you want to display the member ID

  • Mark New Members as Prospects - Set whether or not you want to automatically mark all new members as a prospect

  • Show Membership - Set whether or not you want to display membership information within the Check In Module

  • Automated Reminders - Set a default for a member's automated reminders: No reminder, Email or Text. This will set the option automatically for any new member added to the system. Members can still make changes to this setting from the Member Portal.

  • Allowed Users with Unpaid Invoices - Set whether or not you want to allow members with unpaid invoices to access the facility. This option can also be used with 24 hour access systems to allow/prevent members from opening the door.

  • Auto-process Scheduled Payments - Select this option if you'd like to have your scheduled payments be automatically processed.

  • Allow multiple check-in - This will allow your members to check in to multiple classes at once.

  • Future check-in - Set how far in advance your members can check in before a class begin

  • Late check-in - Set how far, after the class starts, that your members are able to check in

  • Product name max length - Set a max character length for your inventory (products, services, packages, etc)

  • API Key - Generate an API key to be used with hardware integration, 24 hour access integration, etc.


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