Schedule Widget

Schedule Widget

This help article will demonstrate how to create a schedule widget for your website. Please note that the widget will use your member permissions setup for each schedule, so be sure that any schedule that should be visible on your website is set to either “Read Only” or “Book Appointments”, and that the “can be viewed without logging in” option is checked. Schedule permissions can be set under Setup>Schedules and click on Member/Student Permissions.

To go set the schedule widget to to Setup>Personalize>Widget. 

  • Choose which Default Schedule you'd like the widget to display from the drop down menu

  • Copy and paste the HTML code into your website - you can use this code on your website page to display the schedule. Any changes to your schedule, classes or schedule setup will automatically update your website page once you’ve incorporated this code.

  • There are several appearance settings you can choose from:
    - Choose whether or not you'd like to display availability
    - Choose whether or not you'd like to display location
    - Choose whether or not you'd like to enable calendar view for classes
    - Set your default view for classes: list view or calendar view

  • Choose a look and feel for your widget and click Save

  •  Preview will show the look and feel of the site, but not your specific data.