How To Order Membership Cards & Key Tags Through Authentic8

Order your custom, branded membership cards and key tags through eFit's ID solution partner, Authentic8

Get 20% off for a limited time by using promo code EFIT2018.

  1. Visit the eFit Authentic8 store at

  2. If you are a new user, click Register below the login fields.

  3. Complete the signup form to create your user login.

  1. Once you have registered, log in using your user credentials. Upon logging in, you will see eFit’s logo at the top of the page and a selection of products including membership cards and key tags.

  2. Click View details for product specifications and pricing. For cards that match eFit’s traditional membership cards, select the “Barcode Plastic Cards.” Adjust the quantity, size, and other product details to preview the total price.

  1. Below the product details, select an option to customize and order your products:

    1. Select Browse Design to use a template for your cards or key tags. After selecting this option, you will be prompted to select a template.

    2. Select Custom Design to create your own design from a blank canvas.

    3. Select Upload Design to upload a print-ready design from a file.

  1. Use the editor to customize your design by adding your logo, text, or images. Press Save to save your edits.

  1. When you’re finished editing, press Continue to save your design and add it to your Shopping Cart.

  2. Under Product Additional Information, adjust the quantity and other product details as needed. Press Save & Add to Cart.

  1. To purchase the items in your Shopping Cart, press Continue.

  2. Enter your shipping and payment information, then press Order Complete to place your order. Your shipment will arrive in 10 to 12 business days. 

If you have any questions about your order, please contact Authentic8 at 888.995.7926.

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