New Sale

New Sale

This help article will show you how to create a new sale, send an item to account and create invoices. Please do not use the back button when processing payments and making sales as it can cause multiple payments to get recorded in Volo.

  • Click Sales

  • Click New Sale

  • Click Search, as highlighted below

  • Find the Member you want to invoice

  • Using the drop-down menu Sold By, select the salesperson

  • Use the drop-down menus (Select Category, Add Product, Add Service, Add Package, Add Contract) to choose the item to invoice
    NOTE: This is the only stage in which you an actually edit an invoice. Once an invoice is created, it cannot be edited.

  • Actions:
    - Trash Can: Deletes the item from the invoice.

  • Paper: Opens up a contract to review

  • Pen: Click to sign a contract.

  • Alternating arrows: Use to merge like contracts together.

  • Circular Arrow: Adjusts the item's renewal settings. (not pictured, associated with Packages)

  • Quantity: Enter desired quantity here.

  • Discount: Enter in the discount for the item. Take special notice of the Dollar and Percentage signs.

  • Click Create Invoice. This will turn this New Sale into an invoice that can be paid partially or completely.
    Send To Account: This adds the selected items to the member's account. Think of this option like a tab. We don't recommend using this for services as those unpaid for will end up On Account once the member has been checked in. We recommend using this for products instead.

  • After you click Create Invoice, you can either make a full payment or a partial payment - in this case, select the Payment Method, enter the desired payment amount and click Pay. If you're not making a payment, select Save. This will save the open invoice to the member's Open Invoices area located within their Account tab.

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