How To Exchange Items On An Invoice

How To Exchange Items On An Invoice

This help article will show you how to complete an invoice exchange.  Sometimes you may find you need to exchange items sold on an invoice for different items.  This can happen if your member is using different sessions then originally sold, or if you completed a sale and you need to re-do the same sale, but at a discount.  Exchange is an easy way to remove any items from an invoice and re-sell either the same item at a discount or a new item. If a payment is already made on the invoice, the payment will apply to the new invoice total.

Follow these steps to exchange items:

  • Find the invoice that requires an Exchange.

  • Select Exchange near the bottom of the invoice

  • Enter a number in the Count (depending on how many individual items/packages you're exchanging)

  • Add the new products/services that you would like to exchange to the cart.

  • Choose the Quantity of items you are adding, any Discount, and click Process to complete the exchange.


The exchange has now been completed.

 The details of the Exchange will be listed in the Sales Receipt section.

If there is a positive balance due you will need to collect a payment.  If the balance due is negative then you need to refund a payment to your member.  Note:  If you would like to give the member credit for future purchases instead of a refund, you can use Exchange again to Add Credits.  Just add that value in Credits to the shopping cart, without removing any items in the top.

Note:  If you are exchanging services, Volo will put any sessions that were already used and applied to this invoice back to the members On Account tab.  If the new sessions added as part of the exchange do not cover those On Account sessions, those sessions will remain On Account.

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