Member Permissions

Member Permissions

  • Click Setup

  • Click Schedules

  • Select the Permissions link of the schedule you want to work with


Member Permissions for Specific Schedule

  • Schedule Statues: Allows member to see specific schedule and book appointments
    - Hide: Member will not be able to see the schedule
    - Read Only: Member will be able to see the schedule, but not be able to edit the schedule
    - Read/Write: Member will be able to see and edit the schedule (i.e book themselves)

  • Can be viewed without logging in: Use this option along with the scheduling widget to integrate the schedule with your website.

  • Booking restrictions: Sets limits to booking times frame from earliest to furthest day ahead

  • Cancellations: Allows or prohibits cancellations online

  • Pay When Booking: If no, Volo will allow booking and add sessions on to account. If yes, Volo will ask for payment if member has no sessions.

  • Recurrence: Allows the members to book recurring appointments from the member portal


Common Member Profile Permissions

  • Hide: 

Member will not be able to see the tab

  • Read Only: 

Member will only be able to see the tab, but not edit information

  • Read/Write:

 Member will be able to see the tab and edit information

  • Profile : This tab displays their personal information

  • Interests : This tab displays their selected interests

  • Activities: This tab displays their activities within your facility

  • Account: This tab displays their items on account, remaining sessions, autorenew, and invoice history

  • Questionnaires:  This tab allows members to access their questionnaires.

  • Admin:  This tab allows members to enter their credit card information, but it is recommended that you keep this on Hide. Inventory pricing can be adjusted here. 

Be sure to click Save!