Check In Report

Check In Report

 Check In Report

Keep track of how many members have checked in on any given day, and if you have enabled the check in module, you can see when the members were checked in. If you want to subscribe to the check-in module, call us at 1-866-303-1038.

  1. Click Reports

  2. Click Check in Report

  3. Select date range

  4. Search by member name, or leave blank

  5. Search by group name, or leave at All

  6. Search by the appointment type, or leave at All

  7. Select Summary or Detail

  8. Click Search

The summary will show you an overview of each day in the date range you selected and then you can click on the day to see who came that day.

For more in-depth information, you can look at the detailed version, which will show you all of the clients that came in a given time frame.  In addition, you can sort them by any of the columns, or export the date to another program.