Check In Vs Close Day: What Is The Difference?

Check In Vs Close Day: What Is The Difference?

Checking In a client from either the appointment screen or through the check in tab sends this appointment to the clients account so that it can be invoiced at a later date or debited from remaining account. 


Close Day is essentially a mass check in for everyone on that day.  Closing the day will send all the appointments that have not been checked-in on the schedule for that day to the accounts of the members who were booked into each appointment. 


Before closing the day, check to make sure all the appointments for that day are correct, and simply go to the Admin tab, choose the date you would like to close, and click Close. 


If the day has already been closed and you need to make changes,

  1. Go to the Admin tab

  2. Click Open

  3. Go to the schedule and make the changes you need to

  4. Go back to Admin and find the date you need to close

  5. Hit Close.

This will adjust the items in question on account, or add/subtract items from packages on account.

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