

Freezing a contract places it on hold from the date you choose until the date you choose for it to resume billing. During this time no invoices are generated and no items are allocated. For Term contracts, all frozen payments will be added to the end of the contract to preserve the original number of payments. Please follow these steps to freeze a contract

Bulk Freeze: From the member profile, go to Account>Contracts and chose Freeze from the select action drop down.

Next choose when you would like the freeze to begin and the date that payments should resume. The date you choose to resume will be your due date going forward.

If the contract has any outstanding invoices available to be frozen they will show in a grid below where you entered your freeze and resume dates. You can choose to freeze these invoices as well by clicking the radio button next to each one you want to be frozen.

Note: Only invoices that have not been paid, and from which no items have been used, can be frozen.

Once you have chosen your dates and selected any outstanding invoices to freeze, click Continue. A message will appear to verify which dates and invoices you are freezing. To complete the freeze click Freeze Invoices.

Bulk Unfreeze: To unfreeze a frozen contract, go to Account>Contracts and chose Unfreeze from the select action drop down.

Next choose the date that you would like the contract to resume billing then click Continue.

As with Freezing a message will appear explaining the actions that will be taken. Click Unfreeze Invoices to complete. 

Freezing/Unfreezing individual payments: You can also Freeze/Unfreeze individual payments going to View/Edit Payments from the select action drop down under Account>Contracts. Click the red or green options to freeze or unfreeze next to each payment. That individual payment will be frozen and a payment added to the end for a term contract. When unfreezing, that payment will unfrozen, and the end payment removed from a term contract. If the contract is ongoing, no additional payments are created. Note: You can unfreeze a past invoice if a member comes back early, but that invoice will be past due immediately. If the invoice needs to be paid, first Unfreeze the invoice. then click the invoice number to go to that invoice and click Pay Contract at the bottom.


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