Member Interaction & Requests

Member Interaction & Requests

Member Freeze Requests
When Member Solutions interacts with your members, we adhere to the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Other Options are listed below. If you prefer we service with any alternative option, please complete the Freeze Policy section on the Servicing Options form and submit to Member Solutions for processing.

Member Suspend/Freeze Requests

Open Membership:
SOP: Member Solutions will allow members with a current payment status to suspend/freeze payments for one month.

Other options:
a. Refer member to School/Business to discuss options.
b. Allow member to freeze payments for up to X months (6 maximum).

Term Membership:
SOP: Member Solutions will not allow suspension/freeze of time/payments for term memberships.

Other options:
a. Refer member to School/Business to discuss options.
b. Allow member to freeze time (not payments) up to X months (6 maximum) and extend the expiration date.
c. Freeze time and payments for up to X months (6 maximum).

Member Cancellation Request

We adhere to the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). An alternative option is listed below. If you prefer we service with the alternative option, please complete the Cancellation Policy section in the Servicing Options form.

SOP: When servicing on your behalf, we adhere to the terms and conditions of the member's contract.

If the member has a legitimate claim, such as a medical disability or relocation (more than 25 miles from the facility), we will verify and process the appropriate documentation and cancel if valid. If the contract was entered online, we will cancel the contract per the terms submitted. If the member disputes the terms of their agreement and a copy of their agreement is not on file, we will request one. It is your responsibility to provide a copy to Member Solutions within two business days.

Other options:
a. Do not cancel. Refer all members back to the Business Location to allow an opportunity to discuss cancellation in an effort to save the membership or for verification of a claim.

NOTE: Member Solutions reserves the right to cancel a contract if the business does not respond to the member's claim within two weeks.

If any member mentions that they want to cancel their account, we automatically send you an email alert to make you aware. This does not mean the account was cancelled. A list of cancelled accounts appear on your Activity Report.

Auto-Renewal Cancellation
If a Term Agreement has an auto-renewal component, AND you cancel the existing agreement, we will cancel the auto-renewal portion.
When a member initiates cancellation for the auto-renewal component, we will adhere to the terms of the agreement.

NOTE: If the agreement was entered online, and no copy was provided to us, we will cancel the auto-renewal portion as long as we receive the cancellation request prior to the service expiration date in the original agreement in writing from the member.

Member Due Date Change Request
We will comply with a member's request to change their due date as long as the new due date falls within the same billing cycle.

Member Payment Method Change Request
We will comply with a member's request to change their payment method. A consumer has the legal obligation to pay but has the right to select any payment method we offer.

Do Not Auto Draft Request

If a member calls Member Solutions and verbally or in writing requests that we stop automatically charging them, or the member revokes their authorization, Member Solutions is obligated by law to oblige this request. When this request is made the member’s invoice(s) will be marked as “Do Not Draft”. The member would need to go online, call us, mail in a payment or go directly to the facility to make a payment.


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