Enter A Contract

Sales >New Contract

Member Manager sales are split into Products, Services, Packages and Contracts.  The Contract sales process is done separately from the other three, and you are not able to combine Product, Service or Package sales with the Contract sale.  There are two ways to start a Contract sale.

Option 1:  Sales>New Contract


Option 2:  Members>Member Profile

Go to the Member Profile for the Purchased for Member.  If the member has not been entered yet, go to Members>Add Member and add their profile information and click OK.  Click New Contract to enter a contract for that member.



If starting from Sales>New Contract, you will need to add the Purchased By.  Type the name of the Purchased By member in the field to search.  If starting from the Member profile, the Purchased By name will be automatically entered.  Choose the staff member who sold the contract, and the Contract item from the drop down and click Create Contract.

Add Member(s):  If the contract is for another Member, type the name in the Member Purchased For field.  The system will automatically search for any matches.  Click the name of the match, or if there are no matches click Add New Member in the drop down.  You will see the Add New Member window.  Fill in the required fields and click Add.  To add multiple members to this contract, click the + sign. You can add up to 5 members on one contract. See this article on Tiered Pricing to setup pricing for multiple members:

Payment Source:  Choose the billing profile from the Purchased By Member’s saved profile, or choose Add New credit card or ACH to add a different profile.  Click Edit/View Details to update the terms of the contract.

Editing Contract Details:  From here you can edit the number of payments, renewal options, start date, etc. 

Edit Contract Price and Items:  Along with updating the number of payments and dates, you can also edit the contract price and item details.  Click the edit icon next to Contract Total.

From here you can change the item total or click the + sign to add additional items.  Note:  This will only change the items and prices for this specific contract.  To edit items for all contracts of this type go to Setup>Inventory>Packages.

Click Save & Update Payment Schedule when finished with your changes.  Then verify the payment schedule at the bottom (you can adjust the payment dates using the Update Dates drop down if needed) and click Save and Continue.

Accept Contract:  Once you click Save and Continue, the contract PDF will be generated.  Verify the contract is correct.  If your contract settings are set for Digital Signature, you will need to type the Purchased By name in the signature areas.  If you are set for Finger Signature, you can use your mouse or your touch screen tablet to sign.  Click Print Contract for a hard copy if needed, and click Save & Continue.

Checkout:  Create invoice and complete contract.  Once the contract PDF is saved, the contract will be listed in the shopping cart.   If you need to go back and edit the contract details again, click the Edit icon.  If you wish to remove the contract from the cart and start over, click the trash can.  Otherwise click Checkout to create and pay the first invoice.

Pay Invoice:  Choose how the first invoice will be paid, and click Pay to finalize the contract.

Receipt Options:  Once paid, the contract will be setup.  If necessary here are the following receipt options:

  • To print the full 8.5 X 11 Invoice to your printer, click the printer icon and choose Print Invoice.

  • If you have the Star Receipt printer, click the printer icon and choose Print Receipt.

  • To email the invoice, click the envelope icon.


How-to Videos:

Entering a New Contract

Entering Multiple Members on One Contract