Refund Item

Use the Refund Item option to return any item on an invoice to void that item sale.  

To Refund Item:

  • Go into the invoice you want to refund.  You can find invoices either from the Member's Profile or from Manage Invoices.

Find invoice from Member's Profile:  Go to Members and search for the member.  Once on their Profile, click Account>Invoice History.  Click on the Invoice number.

 Find invoice from Manage Invoices:  

  • Go to Invoicing/Payments>Manage Invoices.

  • Enter Search Parameters and click Search.

  • Once in the invoice, click either the Refund icon, or on Refund Item.

  • Make sure Refund Item is selected. Then change the Count to the quantity of items you are refunding. For example, if you have sold 1 package, enter 1 in the count.  If you sold 10 individual sessions, but only want to return 3, enter 3 in the count, and so on.  Then click Refund.

  • Once you have done the refund item if you scroll to the bottom of the invoice you will see the return with the name of the item that was returned.Â