Refunding An Item and Payment

Use Item and Payment when you want to return the payment to the member and show the invoice is no longer due. This will void the invoice/sale. To refund both Item and Payment:

  • Go into the invoice you want to refund.  You can find invoices either from the Member's Profile or from Manage Invoices.

Find invoice from Member's Profile:  

  • Go to Members and search for the member.  Once on their Profile, click Account>Invoice History.  Click on the Invoice number.

Find invoice from Manage Invoices:  

  • Go to Invoicing/Payments>Manage Invoices.

  • Enter Search Parameters and click Search.

  • Once in the invoice, click either the Refund icon, or on Refund Item. 

  • On the next screen, put 1 in the count at the top, choose Item and Payment from the “please select your option” drop down and click Next. The 1 represents the quantity of items you are returning. For a contract or a package, this will typically be 1. If you sold more than 1 item together, the count should match the quantity sold, assuming you are voiding the entire sale.

  • On the next screen, choose how you want the payment to be refunded. Typically, you would refund the payment however it was processed. If Member Solutions processed it through billing, choose Member Solutions. If you process payments though a merchant account, choose the credit card on file. The click Refund.

  • You will be prompted to confirm the refund. Click OK.

Your refund is complete. Details of the refund will show at the bottom of the screen.