Sell A Contract

Highlight  Sales

Highlight Contracts

Click New Contract

“insert picture here”

Type the Name of the Purchased By and Purchased for Members in the respective fields. And click on the name as it appears in the drop down

“insert picture here”

If no profile exists for either, click the Add New Member button in the top right corner to add them.

Once they are added, type their name in the appropriate field as in the last step.

“insert picture here”

Choose which Staff Profile is making the sale from the Sold By drop down.

“insert picture here”

Choose the contract you are selling from the Contract drop down.

“insert picture here”

Click Continue

You will be taken the the POS screen showing the Contract you just selected in the Cart

Click on the Invoice Details button

“insert picture here”

Here you can Change the contract start date, Price, Length, Billing frequency Billing Profile, Autorenewal settings, downpayment, and initiation fees.

“insert picture here”

Number of Payments

  1. Payment Frequency

  1. Contract Start Date

  1. Contract Total/Edit Price and Items

“insert picture here”

  1. Discount Amount

  1. Free Payments

  1. Initiation Fee

  1. Down Payment

  1. Cancellation Notification

  1. AutoRenewal Settings

  1. Billing Profile

“insert picture here”

Once you have the contract details set, click on the Calculate and save button.

“insert picture here”

Now you can sign the contract. To do so, click the Sign Contract button.

“insert picture here”

This will open up the Contact Copy and allow you to sign and print.

Depending on the sites setup, there may be one or more signature fields.

They will either be Digital acceptance fields where the buyers name must be typed, or digital signature fields which can be signed with a mouse of USB signature pad.

Once all present signature fields are completed, you can either Click Print contract, or Save contract. Both will save the contract, but Print will also print the contract copy.

Once the contract is signed and saved, you can create the first invoice

To do so, click on Create Invoice.

This will open the invoice screen.

From here you will either save the invoice if it is for $0 or if it is going to be paid at a later date, or pay it.

To Save, Click the Save Invoice button. This completes the sale.

To Pay the invoice, select one of the payment options on the left side and Click Pay Now

The payment Options are as follows:

-This is to record a cash payment taken at the facility. A direct payment will be sent to MSI if the contract is FSB

­­- This is to record a credit card payment taken at the facility outside of MyVolo, such as a merchant terminal. A direct payment will be sent to MSI if the contract is FSB

-This is to process a credit card, that is not saved to the member's profile, through the client Merchant Processor. You will need to enter all credit card info.

-This is to process one of the credit cards saved on the member's Admin tab, through the clients Merchant processor.

-This is to process one of the EFT/ACH profiles on saved on the member's Admin tab, through the clients Merchant processor.

-This is to process the payment on any of the EFT/ACH or credit card profiles on the members Admin tab through Member Solutions.

Once the invoice is either paid or saved, the sale is complete.

You can also begin a sale from two other places