Creating and Editing Activities in the Activity Scheduler are very important tools for facilities. Activities assist with organizing packages that can be created, tracking whom is attending the activity, and whom is training/running the activity. All of this is done through the Manage Activities feature in the Activity Scheduler. Below is a overview of the Manage Activity feature.

Accessing Manage Activities

To access the Manage Activities feature, run your cursor to the Activities tab.

Once there a drop down menu will appear with the Manage Activities link.

Please select the Manage Activities link.

Manage Activities Screen Overview

Now that you have select the Manage Activities link, this screen will appear. This is where you can view all Activities created and to either Edit Existing Activities or Create New Activities.

Filter by: This is where you can Filter the Activities you are viewing by either the Group the Activity is attached to or the Instructor that is running the Activity. Select the drop down menus to be able to filter accordingly.

Activities: Here is where all Activities will appear. This is where some of the basic information that is attached to the Activity is shown.

The Activity Name, Group, Instructor, Location, Date From, Date To, Time From, and Time To will appear.

If you need to Edit any of these Activities, all you have to do is click the Activity that you wish to Edit.

If you would like to create a New Activity please select the Create Activity link off to the right.

Creating/Editing an Activity

If you select the Create Activity link or choose to Edit an Activity this Activity Edit screen will appear. This is where you will Build or Edit the Activity. Below we will go over all fields.

Activity: This is the field where you will name the Activity you wish to create or edit. This is a required field

Group: The Group that will be associated with the Activity. This is a required field

Duration: How long the Activity will be. Place either how many Minutes or Hours the Activity will be the the first field and then with the drop down select either Minutes or Hours. Ex. 30 Min or 1 hour. This is a require field

Instructor: Whom is teaching/running the Activity. Select the drop down and all Instructors that have been entered in should appear.

Instructor E-mail: If your Instructor would like to be notified by email if someone has signed up for the Activity, please place the Instructors email in this field and select the correct choice in Notify when Booked.

Location: If you have a certain room or location where the Activity will take place you can select the drop down and attach that Location to the Activity.

Attendee Limit: Where you will place how many people can attend your Activity. You can also choose if it is exclusive to active members by checking the Members Only check box.

Dates: Where you will select when the Activity begin and ends. If you wish to have a recurring activity and no end date please leave the To section blank.

Time: The time your Activity will take place. It will need to also match the Duration you placed on file as well

Days: This is where you can select what days the Activity will be taking place.

    Daily: If your Activity will take place every day place select this choice.

    Weekdays: If your Activity will take place Monday-Friday please select this choice.

    Weekends: If your Activity will take place Friday-Sunday please select this choice.

    Custom: If you would like to choice which exact days your Activity will take place like Tuesday and Thursdays only, select this choice and check the days your Activity will be available.

Once all information is filled out select Save Activity and you have now just Created/Edited your Activity. This Activity will now appear in the Activities section and will appear on your Calendar and will be eligible for members to sign up.

This completes the overview of  Manage Activities